Prologue - Teaser - Why does it still ache here?

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Author's POV:

'I had a wonderful evening!!! Thank you!!!' she smiled looking into his deep brown eyes. He smiled flaunting his dimple and bit his lower lip slightly whispering

'The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for giving this a thought!!!' he said and she hesitantly smiled.

Was she really still giving it a thought? Should she give it a thought? Isn't it easy to just continue the way it is? Life is still beautiful. She was earning well. Mr Rodriguez had officially announced her to be the singer in his club for every Friday and Saturday. He had even started to pay her now for her songs. She made a decent amount of money with her manager job at the same club and now this singing profile was giving her money and recognition too. She was slowly getting closer to the dream of starting her own dance school instead of teaching the kids here in her...their home. Does she really need to jump into something like this when life is finally running smoothly?

He snapped his fingers infront of her and she was back from her thoughts. She smiled saying

'I guess I must leave before Lydia wakes up. She tends to get up in the night and if she doesn't find me with her, she starts to throw tantrums and even her father wouldn't be enough to handle her!!!' she said and at the mention of her daughter's father he shifted uncomfortably. She also smiled hesitantly and bid him a bye. He did want to kiss her but...he knew she wouldn't be comfortable so he didn't initiate anything and simply left.

She started going towards his home but noticed it was locked and she looked confused. Then she looked at her home which looked dimly lit. He was in her house??? Why didn't he make Lydia sleep at his place???

She slowly walked into the house and removed her tall painful stilettos. She used to wear them during her college days, during her young days but along Lydia's birth came backache issues that were a complimentary gift along with the cesarian delivery she had. It was a complicated delivery. She was weak and there were complications in her pregnancy and then the divorce proceedings.

Everything was a mess which came one after other and she had to stand tall and strong. She started taking care of her health to be a solid mother that she was, although the father of her daughter was also an excellent father but they were still co-parenting her and she didn't want anyone to come back and say she had done anything less for her daughter. She might not be as rich as her ex-husband but she indeed was a mother with rich values.

They were a team and they handled it together for their daughter's sake but now after 8 long years when he had started dating someone else, her family pushed her to date someone else too. She was hesitant. She didn't think it was right. She was judged heavily by the society for asking for a divorce and then staying in her ex-husband's home to co-parent her child. No one cared to understand that she paid a rent to her ex-husband every month and that she was a mere tenant. And now she had said yes to the man who kept asking her for last three years for one date and this was the day she had finally nodded a yes. She had a great time. He wasn't a hypocrite. He openly accepted that this wasn't a case of sympathy and he genuinely found her attractive and beautiful and was happy to accept him and her daughter as his own. He was the first man who had no issues to accept the fact that Lydia doesn't need a father and she already has one but it also worried her that if this worked out would she and her ex-husband still be able to co-parent Lydia like how they have been doing for the last 8 years.

Above all will Lydia accept this relationship? Will she be fine to accept the fact that her uncle is now going to be her step dad? Above all is she herself okay to accept this man in her life who is not just a good friend of hers but also her ex-husband's brother. Isn't she complicating the threads of their relationship?

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