Chapter 34

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'Wasnt I clear the very first time?' I asked trying to be as calm as possible but my anger was still shooting higher looking at his lazy smile. So much so that I wanted to throw the black coffee on his face. Just because we are in one of my five star hotels and people around know me I didn't want to create a scene.

'Why are you making it a big deal Bhaisa? Dad wanted me to do this role. The movie needed a big name and Mister Khandelwal-'

'I know what Khandelwals are...Rajveer is a friend and I know that guy or his father or their production house doesn't need you out of all to succeed their movie. Your movie got shelved, you aren't getting an offer and you don't want to do TV again...Isn't that true Adhik?' I asked him firmly and I noticed his fist clench and took a deep breath confessing in a whisper

'If you already know everything then why are you here doing this interrogation? What wrong did I do? This movie will be great for mine and Lavanya's car-'

'Bhabhisa!!!' I roared and Adhik narrowed his eyebrows and asked 'Whatttt???'

I removed my glasses and shot him a fierce look and said
'You heard me the very first time Adhik!!!I don't like repeating myself!!!' I said and Adhik clenched his jaw and I noticed him looking elsewhere as he confessed

'Are....are...are you both committed to ea-'

'I dont think I need to explain you about our life and decisions! I am your elder brother not you Chote Kunwarsa!!!' I said grinding my teeth and he wet his lips and said

'I just wanted to-'

'Treat her with respect when you are with her. You are going to call her Miss Khanna until and unless she or I would like to make our relationship public!!! Nothing more... nothing less!!! Clear?' I asked and he looked shocked.

The waiter took the empty coffee cups and I stood and buttoned up my coat saying

'Annnnd Mr Adhik Raj Suryavanshi... Another time I see you trying to hold your Bhabhisa's hand or trying to misuse your career as a leverage to get closer to her...The world knows how dark your brother is...You have only heard of it!!! And I don't want my little brother to ever encounter it!!! Ok Chote Kunwarsa?' I asked him slowly tapping his left cheek and he gulped in fear and quickly nodded when I pulled his cheek saying

'Your Bhaisa has shared enough with you!!! Every toy, every candy, every chocolate at times at the cost of his own happiness. But!!! Your Bhabhisa isn't a toy, chocolate or candy... she's my life. And Aditya Raj Suryavanshi has stopped sharing his life with the rich people in Suryavanshi Villa. So this time you or your mother better be aware...I'm not going to tolerate your games, tricks or manipulations. Attempt it this time and I'll show you what the real Aditya Raj Suryavanshi is!!! Let me stay as your Bhaisa and don't let me be ARS for you Adhik!!! You surely don't want to see that side of you?' I asked and he gulped and nodded.

'Was your Bade Bhaisa (elder brother) absolutely clear Adhik?' I asked and he nervously looked at me when I bent towards his height keeping on hand on his shoulder firmly while my other hand still pinching his left cheek as I grit my teeth and still managed to be gentle as I ask him 'Words Chote Kunwarsa!!!' and he quickly nodded saying 'Jo hukum (As per your orders) Bhaisa!!!' and I smirked saying 'Good!!!' as I left the cafe without even turning back.

Although I didn't like threatening my own brother, I never did that with him ever in my life but this time, it was necessary. And I don't regret it even one tiny bit. He needs to know his place.

I reached home when I noticed Lavanya was struggling to open the door of her house as she carried a couple of bags in her hand. Vegetables and fruits probably? I can't believe this girl. She is so health conscious. There is so much food the production unit preps and sends over and she still loves to stick to her salads and soups. I know she loves food but she's extremely conscious about her weight. The reason why I started to learn cooking. I was a terrible cook myself but I managed to take three months of cooking lessons so I could cook for her. She loves healthy homemade food and hates junk. I pity our future offsprings.

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