Chapter 19

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Happy Birthday ShrutiB456...God bless you ❤️


Mr Suryavanshi was hesitant to stay back but the rains weren't stopping and getting worse. It was already midnight so I simply asked him to take my bedroom. He looked a little hesitant but eventually agreed.

'Ummm you can maybe take a warm shower. You will feel better!!! I'll get you something to wear!!!' saying I started looking into the cupboard pulled out a bathrobe for him.

'Ummm Mister Suryavanshi...You can wear this for now. Your clothes will dry soon. No... don't wait for it. Maybe wear this and get a goodnight sleep. Ohhhh...I'm so dumb... please give me your clothes I'll -'

'Miss Khanna...It's fine! I can wash my clothes...just tell me where the machine is...' he said and I nodded and smiled.

He changed into the bathrobe and walked outside the bathroom. He looked too cute in that white bathrobe but he kept pulling the bathrobe from every end looking too uncomfortable. I pressed my lips firmly hiding a giggle looking at his discomfort. It was a little short for him. It kind of looked like a mini party gown on him but then that's all I had right now.

'Ummm Miss Khanna...the machine-'

'Oh Ahhhemmm this... this way!!!' I said and took him to the small closed utility area near my kitchen. I helped him use the machine trying to steal gazes at him. He was so embarrassed. After sometime I really couldn't control and burst out laughing. He raised an eyebrow asking

'Why are you exactly laughing Miss Khanna?' he asked and I looked at him and again laughed out saying

'Mr Suryavanshi firstly why are you so nervous? It's not like you are naked!!!' I said and he shot him a sharp gaze saying

'Its not like I'm wearing much either Miss Khanna!!!' and I bit my lip saying

'But you are really blushing like a new bride. Relax Mr one is going to touch you inappropriately!!! Trust me I'm decent!' I said trying to hide my laughter but his funny expressions made go on a laughter ride. I couldn't stop laughing but suddenly he came and stood exactly infront of me and my breath hitched.

The knot of the robe was now pressed against the silky robe I had worn and I suddenly felt we were too close.

'Ummm the...the clothes will probably dra...dry tomorrow...we must go to bed!!! I mean...I must go to...I mean-' but before I could complete the statement he kept a finger on my lips and I froze. His index finger was placed on my lips. I could feel the roughness of his finger.

'Shhhhhh!!! Looks like you are the one who's nervous now Miss Khanna!!!' he whispered and his hot breath fanned my left cheek and I gulped nervously. I didn't have anything to say right now so I tried to push him away and run away from there but suddenly I felt like he had pulled the side knot of my silk robe and that kind of pissed me.

'Mr Suryavanshi!!! I don't like this. We were just kidding but this...this is wrong! Leave the knot of my robe.' but he didn't reply. I was so annoyed that I turned around and was about to yell at him but noticed that the knot of the rob was instead stuck onto the hook of the draining pipe of the washing machine and I bit my tongue and looked at Mr Suryavanshi who looked amused and was smiling looking at me and said

'Such filmy fantasties you've got little butterfly!!!' saying he took a step closer to me and I took a step back saying

'Dont call me that!!!'

'Dont call you what???' he asked taking another step closer to me.

'That....' I said and he closed all the distance between us.

'What?' he asked. His voice a mere whisper and I looked at his chin and replied

'Bu... Butterfly!!!' and suddenly I felt his hand trying to push a few strands of hair behind my ear and he whispered softly

'But you are like a colorful... always ready to fly...away.....from me!' he added the last two words leaving me surprised. What had happened to me. Just by calling me butterfly does he know the amount of butterflies he's unleashed inside my stomach. I looked a little away when I noticed his gaze slowly drifting to my body. I suddenly realised the knot of my robe had opened and my long legs hidden by those tiny cotton shorts and my deep necked thin camisole was all at his display and the moment he realised his gaze on me and before I could react to it, he quickly turned around saying

'Umm....Well...I guess...we must go to sleep!!! Good... Goodnight Miss Khanna' saying he practically ran away from there and I couldn't stop smiling.

Never did I know that a dracula could be so cute.

Adjusting the program of the washing machine with a timer, I went back to the room where Shravya snored like there was no tomorrow. I slowly sneaked next to her into the bed and covered myself with the quilt and closed my eyes.


She looked so fucking sexy in those cotton shorts and that camisole. Her sleek waistline, her long legs, her intoxicating perfume, her fuller breasts were all making my right mind run in the wrong direction.

I could feel myself already poking and I didn't want a flag hoisting inside her bathrobe in the middle of the night. I had enough embarassed myself and tonight wasn't the night. So I practically ran from there into the room allocated to me. My room for tonight. Her room.

Damn it I was in Lavanya Khanna's bedroom. Her soft fragrance still lingered in the room. I noticed a small bottle was kept on the dressing table. It looked like a cream. It smelled so delicious. Suddenly I realised the lipstick her soft lips kissed everyday morning was on that table. I looked at it and smiled. A bottle full of her Jasmine fragrance revealed that sweet smell.

I smiled and slowly went towards the bed. White silky sheets. So soft. I slowly lied down on the bed and adjusted the pillows as well near my neck. Oh her pillows are so soft. It smelled like her hair...her shampoo. Gosh I was already poking due to our proximity and all this was making it 'hard' for me.

I didn't want to take a cold shower at this odd hour neither did I want to help myself so I simply closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Although it was tough sleeping like that but gradually I slept off.


I woke up early to make some breakfast as Mr Suryavanshi was staying with us. I made some hot Gobi Parathas along with some Upma and because I didn't know if he preferred coffee or tea. I made both for him. I looked at the clock, it was ticking 8:30 am and he had still not woken up.

I decided initially not to disturb him but later when he didn't wake up even when it was 9 in the morning and even a pathetically drunk Shravya was helping herself with some lime juice and an asprin I wondered if Mr Suryavanshi needs some one to wake him up or what?

I quickly went to the utility area to get his clothes but I was shocked to see the washing machine was empty. I quickly went towards the bedroom and flung the door open and noticed the room was empty. Mr Suryavanshi was nowhere to be seen.

He left??? Without informing me??? At least he could have stayed back for a morning tea or coffee?

Maybe he had an early morning meeting ??? Maybe he didn't want anyone to misunderstand things? Maybe some emergency???

But he should have atleast dropped me a note! A small note...A message???

But that's when Shravya came out of the room scratching her head looking at her mobile saying

'Lavanya Mam...Did Mr Suryavanshi come here last night?' and I was surprised. How did she know???

'Ummm yup... actually-'

'Hey he's sent me a message asking to thank you for the last night's hospitality.' and I was shocked.

He sent a message to Shravya when he could have just sent me the message or atleast left a sticky note on the fridge.

I couldn't understand what was wrong with him. At times he's sweet as sugar and then he's like a bittergourd.

Suck my blood!!! Annoying Dracula Suryavanshi!!!

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