Chapter 11

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I finally found the ring that had fallen in the garden. Thanks to my glasses I picked it up and smiled looking at the beautiful ring. It reminded me of Daadisa's wrinkly hands. She wore it till she was alive. It was only when she was on the death bed she kept it in my hands and asked me to make my bride wear it.

I had then smiled and took it from her although I knew I was never going to get married. Post Daadisa's death I tried giving it back to Dadasa but he kept it in my hands saying it's for my bride and it's a blessing. I didn't know what to do with the ring so I gave it to Mom. But looks like even Dadisa didn't like this girl for Adhik. I giggled at my thoughts and started walking when I saw the woman with the diamond bracelet standing in the corner of the garden talking to someone. I wanted to see her face.

Placing the ring in the pocket of my blazers, I slowly moved towards the farther end of the garden diagonally to get a look of her beautiful face but my breath hitched and my eyes widened as I saw it was none other than Miss Khanna. I knew she was hot and sexy. I still couldn't get her off my system. The Garbha night I saw her the very first time still stayed inside my head like a printed picture. She was one hell of a gorgeous woman.

Shutup Adi!!! All the actresses are gorgeous. They apply kgs of make up, take a dozen full of botox and they look perfect. I tried to convince my brains but even then I don't know why I couldn't stop looking at her. She was a blunt, straight forward badass woman. The category which amused me but still didn't prefer. I didn't deal much with them until and unless it was some business deal or if it was something to be dealt inside my pants. I was allergic to female species. They were cry-babies. This one was no less but today seeing her smile so freely something shuffled inside my chest.

I walked towards her to listen to her laughing and flirting with someone. Was it her boyfriend? But hadn't she broken up with him? Ohhh wait!!! Maybe they reconciled. I don't know why I didn't like the way she was flirting with him. I was about to talk to her when Aman started calling me and my concentration was diverted. I walked a little away and looked at Aman who asked me to join the ring ceremony. Engagement and weddings weren't my thing. I attended this function only for Adhik's sake but that didn't mean I would love to witness that disaster he was making out of his happy go lucky life. And anyways knowing my brother's reputation I could only pray this engagement lasts a few weeks at least!!!

Threatening Aman not to call me again I walked towards Miss Khanna. By now she had disconnected the call and smiled to herself like a maniac. I didn't understand what made her so happy about the phone call. That man made her cry endlessly three days ago and now she is smiling and flirting with him again? I was getting angrier with every passing minute.

That's exactly when she turned around and screamed in fear such that her phone fell from her hands.

'Miss....Lavanya... Khanna!!! Looks like you were busy!!! What happened? Reunited with your boyfriend again? I must have known...Huhhh!!! Self respect for women like you...oops actresses like you is a joke!!! Ain't it???' I said smirking at her while she only exclaimed 'Whattt?'

Darting my eyes into her beautiful black ones I purposely stomped onto that petty phone of hers taking a step closer to her while her eyes widened. She was furious as she yelled

'What the hell Mister Suryavanshi?' and I pressed my shoe mercilessly on that damn phone and took another step closer to her and looked into her eyes asking

'What happened Miss Khanna...Your smile vanished? So... when are you going back to your boyfriend so you can fall onto his feet?' and she looked pissed as she said

'You are nobody to judge my personal choice Mr Suryavanshi. I have a boyfriend, I don't have a is my problem. You are not my daddy to question me!!!' she said and although I tried to maintain a serious stature, her last line kind of made my gutter brains churn and I let out of dry chuckle and she cleared her throat saying

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