Chapter 7

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'Mam...It's...its not that way!!! Mam!!! I think you need to take a short break!' the dance director told me although I objected Haya took me along with her to the open terrace of their office space.

'Why are we here?' I asked and she smiled holding my hand and said

'I know you are pissed and angry at whatever happened but you will still portray your strong exterior like always. You don't need to Mam. We know you are strong. We knew it back those days when Adhik Sir quit the show on its top trp times and even then when you had better offers you stayed with us because you were loyal to this production house. I'm sure Anand Sir would have thrashed that bastard if he was here but now this production house isn't the same Mam. Management has changed. So.... Please relax here. Take a deep breath. I'll send someone with a cup of cof-'

'Haya!!! Everything might change but if our guts doesn't change then no one can boss upon us. That man was wrong....IS wrong! No woman is safe with that predator roaming freely and I don't understand why your new boss isn't taking any actions. He might take it lying down I won't! This time I let this go but next time he'll see what I am!' I said turning around and looking at the waves of Bandra beach which were slapping the shores just like how my anger was bubbling within. She nodded and left.

I took a deep breath. I had to learn to calm down. I slowly fished my phone and played the FM channel which strangely played old beautiful 90's tracks. It reminded me of my childhood. How strange is our life. It's like we are safe in a bird's nest and suddenly we are left all alone to fly alone in this cruel world which has kites like Bharath Kumar ready to hunt little birds. I still remember when I told dad I wanted to be an actress he was dead against it.

'This is what I was scared of Malu. Look at your wanted to write novels and stories for that filthy industry and now your daughter wants to be a part of it...Lavu Puttarji (child) that place is dirty! You will encounter bad people sweetheart...You are too young for it!!! You don't even need this! You are daughter of the Khannas!!! Vansh Khanna's daughter you are....Rony Khanna's granddaughter!!! Why Puttarji' he argued but my tears melted him like always.

No one knew where I belonged to. I didn't ever want to use my father's name. I never used my father's contacts. I wanted to do it all on my own. Even today one phone call to Daadu and Bharath Kumar would be wiped off the market overnight but this is my battle and I wanted to fight it on my own.

I closed my eyes and recalled all the good times I spent back home. I couldn't even go to see my father and I was missing him so much. I started looking into my family WhatsApp group and began glancing our family photographs. It brought a smile on my face as I saw Mom and Dad back home. I wanted to kiss Shika for sending me Dad's homecoming picture. I smiled when I saw everyone's happy comments.

The fm continued playing a old 90's track and I wanted to feel stress free. Suddenly they switched to the track I was going to enact for the OTT movie that we were shooting. I smiled and slowly kept my mobile slightly away. The orange sky looked beautiful as the sun was about to set in some time. I smiled and twirled such that my lehenga twirled along and I slowly started practicing my steps.


'Oh God Leena!!! First stop calling me that and you have to understand that no I don't want to meet you!!! Ughhh please stop crying!!! Please Leena!!! Okay hold on...I can't hear you!!!' I was getting annoyed as she kept calling every now and then. I don't understand why she doesn't understand that I am not interested in her. It was a one time thing. We had agreed upon it but she started getting clingey. Initially I was being a gentleman but she started announcing her to be my girl. She even reached out Mom. Thank god mom called me and asked me about it and I clarified it was her assumptions. Mom chuckled and told me to handle it asap. She didn't want media talking nonsense about me. She was already fed up of Adhik's rumours with his co-actress. To add on I was having network issues since I changed my sim card. I started going upstairs so I could ask her to stop calling me.

But strangely when I started walking towards the terrace space I heard a bollywood song being played and I was curious to know who was here without my permission. But this lady and her shrill voice was making my ears bleed.

'Oh freak!!! Just zip it Leena! My head is aching!!!' I asked her to shutup and I looked around for the music and suddenly my eyes fell on a figure who was dressed in a red lehenga. I walked closer to observe what was happening.

There was a lean and tall woman in red, hair left open was dancing graciously. Although the color and the hair made her look scary but the music made me realise she was one from our crew. She danced like a peacock, moved her waist seductively and I couldn't help... but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her lush long hair bounced everytime she moved and her back arched while her hands moved so beautifully. Enough to make a man breathless. The song stopped and so did she, when I was ready to clap and appreciate her but she suddenly ties her long hair into a high bun exposing her backless blouse and low waist skirt making me hypnotized by her beauty. I slowly walked towards her. The curiosity to see her face was increasing every passing second but before that she turned around and screamed at once. I also flinched at once realising it was none other than Miss Khanna!!!

I smirked while she gritted her teeth. I disconnected the call

'May I know what are you doing here?' I asked and she rolled her eyes and was about to walk away when I gripped her wrist and asked

'Didnt you hear? Why are you here?'

'I don't think I must answer silly questions like this. You saw me. I was practicing. How tough was it to be analysed by your tiny brain?' she asked rudely and I narrowed my eyes saying

'Listen lady!!! This is my office space and not your studio. No jumping and dancing here!!!' I said and she raised an eyebrow saying

'Mister Suryavanshi...I have been coming here for last five years and this is Anand Sir's place whenever he wanted to write scenes or enact scenes!!!' she argued

'And if you forgot now I'm the boss here! No monkey business in my office space! Am I clear? I hate this dancing and jumping around!!!' I argued while she smirked saying

'Yet you love counting the money you earn from the same dancing and jumping right Mr Suryavanshi???' she asked with a sarcastic smile and I gnashed my canines.

'In your limits lady! This is not your father in law's property that you do as you wish!!!' I said and started walking away and when I noticed she still didn't follow me I called out

'What is it??? Are you expecting I would carry you downstairs in a bridal style is it Miss Khanna???' I asked and she huffed and walked past me.

We both were in the elevator and suddenly her phone began ringing but her phone as well was getting disconnected. She was trying to dial back but guess even she was facing network issues

'Dont!!! There is some network problem. I thought it's because I changed my sim card but looks like its a global issue!!!' I said and she however continued dialling the person ignoring my statement. I rolled my eyes thinking how stubborn can one be.

We both reached the ground floor and looks like her phone was reachable as I heard her say 'Hi baby!!! I'm so sorry it's the stupid network!!!' and my ears alerted.

Baby??? So she is committed??? Why do I care. Whoever on the other side of the phone call is going to regret upon his fate. But I was curious to know who it was. I was waiting for my driver to get my car so I decided to stay in the lobby trying to hear what she was saying but suddenly I noticed her wiping her cheek.

Hold on...was she crying? I don't know why I didn't like to see tears in her eyes. I had this sudden urge to go and disconnect that phone call. The cruel person was making her cry.

Although I liked to hurt her but strangely now when she was actually crying is when I was not liking it. I don't know why....I hated it.

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