Chapter 15

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I stripped down the designer Lehenga, my undergarments and entered the shower. Cold water droplets hit my head and my body as I stood under the shower trying to calm my raging nerves. I was so angry that I fisted my fingers tightly and I punched against the wall as hot tears ran down my cheeks.

Just because I am an actress why do men think I'm available for them to bed? First Adhik wanted to sexually get involved with me without my consent and now how dare his brother send me such a filthy note?

I shut my eyes close recalling every single word on that note.


You looked so delicious in that saree. I still can't get your hourglass figure off my head so much so that you have been my personal entertainment to pleasure every day and night in my bathroom and my bed and now I am tired of taking care of it. I would like you to do it for me. In return I would want to do so much more.

I can 'bend' you over again and again and 'teach' you so many 'dirty' things. I can 'squeeze' your every part and make you 'come' like a bitch and still make you 'scream' my name every night.

Be my personal , entertainment every night and I'll give you the best role in my movies. You will no longer be a vamp... you'll be the lead in my most prestigious projects.

You let me make you come and I will make sure you become the best actress in the industry.

Will wait for your answer.


Every time I recalled those words my body burnt like fire and my eyes filled with tears. I had only started to look at him in a different light when he proved he is even worse than Adhik. He was asking me sexual favours in return of opportunities. What does he think of me?

I wanted go and slap him so hard but then I didn't want to see his dirty face. The reason why I called and blasted him. I wanted him to know I'm not a weak one. I'm not like those clingy woman whom he fucks in his office. The thought of him alone disgusted me. I cannot wait for this night to get over so I could go back home.

Changing into my nightwear I decided to go to bed early. I wanted to finish my packing tonight but I was no longer in the right mood so I slept off only for my phone to buzz within ten minutes and I noticed it was Haya calling. I wondered why was she calling me on a holiday. I picked the call. And I was confused as she said that there was a change in schedule as per the director and he wanted me to be on the sets tomorrow. I was confused.

'Hadnt I completed all my shoots Haya? It's Diwali and you know I don't work during Diwali' I said when I noticed how Haya was hesitating to talk but suddenly I heard that pervert Bharat's voice in the background which said

'Then tell her that our schedule has been revised. We are shooting some really important scenes for the next three days and her Diwali vacation needs to be cancelled!' and my anger was sky high.

'Who the hell is he to cancel my vacation? Let me talk to Mister Suryavanshi!!!' I said when I heard a shuffling noise and next second I heard the man on the phone.

'Miss Lavanya Khanna!!! I think you forgot that you are bound by a contract and I am the director of that project and also the head.'

'You can't ask me to cancel my vacation in such a short notice...I want to talk to Mister-'

'Mr Aditya Raj Suryavanshi is out of the country right now but before he left he particularly took the efforts to call me and asked me to get this segment been shot!!! So no arguments Miss Lavanya Khanna...I will be expecting you on the sets tomorrow and I think we are going to have a lot of fun!!!' saying he giggled and I don't know why I didn't like that giggle. It gave me wrong vibes. Something felt very wrong about all this.

'For how long am I bloody expected to wait here Haya??? This is too much. I was called in the morning and it's been me eating and drinking sitting in this room. The clock is about to tick a 4 pm now. What the hell is this???' I screamed after loosing my patience.

Shravya was on her way back from Pune to Mumbai. I was waiting indefinitely. I didn't want to talk to Mr Suryavanshi so I had tried calling Anand Sir but I got to know that he and Mrs Suryavanshi had gone to UK for his treatment. I didn't want to disturb them. Now all I could do was wait for this pervert Bharath to come back because even Haya was helpless under his administration.

Finally after waiting for another 2 hours approximately around 6 pm he called me to his meeting room. I was hesitant to go to the room but Haya accompanied me and I went into the room. He sat there leaning towards the chair with his filthy smile.

'Look who is here? Lavanya Khanna!!! Well.....come... Lavanya!!!' he said and I wanted to break his face but I huffed asking

'Why was I called upon if I had to waste my entire day here? And why are you here to direct me? As much as I remember I have shot about 40 percent of the movie and my every scene was shot by assistant directors. You don't shoot with petty actors like me remember?' I said and he smirked saying

'Wellll...I have changed my mind ever since our last encounter! Remember? Goa??? And my promise???' he asked and I clenched my jaw.

'I have warned you before. Be in your limits! If not I will teach you what I am!!! Remember?' I asked and he grit his teeth saying

'This!!! This bloody ego of yours is what I want to destroy tonight!' he said and I looked at Haya who stood behind me helplessly.

'What is this Haya?' I asked and all she did was look down and hide behind me.

'No one can object my decision here Lavanya. Remember you signed a contract and that makes you my bounded labour!!!' he giggled and I wanted to spit on his face.

'Dont worry I won't touch you this time but remember I told you ..I will see you pleasure yourself infront of everyone! It's time for that!!!' saying he threw a file infront of me.

'Here is your scene!!! We are shooting this tonight!!! Be there! We have to make sure the shoot gets over by tomorrow afternoon. It is Diwali tomorrow and I want to go home. My wife makes excellent sweets during Diwali. So go baby...get ready!!! I don't like to wait longer!!!' he said with an evil smirk and I didn't understand what was happening.

I noticed how Haya was not even lifting her head. He was about to leave the cabin when he came closer to Haya and whispered in her ears such that she looked uncomfortable and said

'Those clothes!!! That is what will be her costume!!! Give it to her and inform the entire team. They have celebrated enough of good over evil. Narakasur would feel bad if they celebrate more. Ask them all to come to the sets. I want everyone on the set tonight from spot boys to make up department to lightmen. Every single one!!!' he said when Haya tried to say

'But Sir... such scenes are shot in utmost-'

'I am the Project Head here Haya. This is my movie. It's an order!!!' he said and Haya simply nodded silently. He shot me one last look and smirked at me saying

'I promise you this night is going to be unforgettable to you!!!' saying he walked out of the cabin. I didn't understand anything. Why was Haya so nervous? What was this scene that he wanted everyone on the set for??

I quickly took the file in my hand and started reading the scene only for my hands to start shaking rigorously. This...this can't be real??? This...this is a joke right???

'That man is extremely influential Lavanya Mam. He... he also has your legal contract...I tried but...I'm helpless!' she said as she walked out of the room and I collapsed on the chair. My eyes glazed and tears rolled down from my eyes as anger seeped in.

He wanted me to strip down naked and expected me to finger myself infront of everyone.

He wanted me to go completely nude for this movie. I was shaking like a leaf.

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