Chapter 54

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I was shocked to see him along with his parents at my dad's home. What is he doing here? Especially when everything between us has ended and I have a new life ahead with my Adi. I gulped and took a step forward when I heard my Daadu say

'Ahhhh finally... she's here Mr and Mrs Suryavanshi. Puttarji look who's here to see you...' saying Daadu introduced me to Anand Sir and his wife. They both turned around and looking at me their facial expressions had changed. His mother looked flabbergasted. I did not understand anything. She turned around and looked at Daadu saying

'What is she doing here Mr Khanna?' and that's when Daadu smiled and pulled me into a side hug and that's when his mother's eyes were almost ready to bulge out like something hard struck her.

'Shhhhe???? Is your granddaughter??? You mean the Princess of Allepey???' she asked in one go. Wait a minute??? Didn't she know??? Why is she here in the first place.

My Daadu smiled and nodded saying

'She is the Princess of Allepey and the eldest heir of the Khanna's. She is my granddaughter. The girl you have come here to meet. Bride for your grandson!!!' said my Daadu and my eyes met Adhik's eyes and his lips parted. I was shocked too. Wait a minute??? Don't tell me that they are here for my proposal to Adhik. That's not ever happening!!!

I turned around and looked at Daadu saying
'Daadu but know I love him!!!' I said it loud and clear and the speed Adhik's head snapped in my direction was shocking. Why does he care now? Isn't he engaged to Maddham? Even if he does...I don't care...I love my Adi.

But suddenly Daadu chuckled saying
'Puttarji...I guess you have no idea but this is Adi 's parents. Actually after you left last night, first thing I did was to call up call up Raja Sahab... Aditya's grandfather confirmed that I am more than happy to accept their Aditya as my grandson in law and he was more than happy to finalize the date for your official engagement ceremony and wedding but unfortunately he couldn't travel due to his ill health and we never met Aditya's parents who were back from their foreign visit yesterday. But today we have them here.

They had just sat down here when you arrived just in time Puttar...Come meet your in-laws...Mr and Mrs Suryavanshi...she is your daughter in law!' saying Daadu introduced me to both while Anand Sir smiled and looked genuinely happy but his wife looked like someone had given her 440 volts shock and her son sat there without any expression.

Anand Sir smiled and called me closer to him. I slowly looked at Daadu who smiled and nodded so I slowly walked towards him. He asked me to take a seat next to him. He slowly looked at his wife who looked shocked however when Anand Sir said something to her with his eyes she couldn't react much and slowly passed a gift box and a jewellery box to him. He gave me both the boxes while his wife slowly opened a red dupatta and covered my head with it and slowly applied a little vermillion on my forehead. She was tight lipped and I could say she was still very shocked.

Anand Sir smiled and said 'This is Aditya's mother's jewellery. She wanted Adi's Beendni (Bride) to have it. I always wanted you to have someone like Adi in your life Beta. I am so happy that you not just have someone like Adi instead have Adi himself. God bless you both. I hope now my son learns to smile more' he said with a genuine smile and although I wanted to tell him that he was the reason why his son lost his smile, I decided to respect his age and the new relationship we will be stepping into. He is my soon to be father in law. But suddenly Adhik walked out of the hall saying

'I am getting late...I will see you folks back home!' and folding his hands he ran outside while suddenly Daadu said

'The boy looked really in a hurry...Sorry we didn't get time to talk to...I thought he must be your assista-'

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