Chapter 4

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I was still shivering after my brave attempt of slapping him hard. I still had my eyes closed but I heard him wince and I was sure that my slap was dot on target. Breathing a heavy sigh I opened my eyes that were burning in anger only to see a certain someone standing infront of me covering his bleeding nose with a handkerchief.

What the???

Just when I was trying to analyse what happened I hear the monster behind him say

'Amannnn!!! Go get your first aid done' and the poor man said

'Yes Sir! I mean No Sir!!! I mean....Its fine Sir...but I think I lost a tooth, but it's still fine Sir!!! I'm fine Mam!!! Sir can we go to a dentist after my first aid is done?' and I gulped and felt sorry for slapping an innocent soul when the real monster stood behind him.

'I....I wasn't-' but he quickly interrupted me saying

'No No No Mam!!! It was meant to be my slap!!! It's fine Mam. I will be back once I get some first aid. See you Mam!!! Thank you Sir!!!' saying he scattered away from there while I was trying to call him out but he had already left. I turned around only to meet the most raging pair of eyes hiding behind a pair of thin glasses.

He took a step closer to me boring his brown orbs into mine while I swallowed hard and spoke up as fearlessly as I could

'Ddddont! Don't even think of coming close to me! I might have missed my mark once but this time I wont!!!' I said yet he approached closer and I gulped only to raise my hand to slap him but instead my right hand was caught in a tight grip by his strong manly hand as he kept shooting his angry eyes into mine and took one last step to close all the distance between us and I shut my eyes tightly. I could feel his hot breath fanning my left earlobe while his strong body leaned closer to mine. He wasn't very muscular but his tall and lean structure was kind of dominating although he wasn't very tall. I am 5.10. I guess he must be 6'1 or 6.2 max!!!

I felt him tug my right hand which he had stopped few seconds ago before kissing his cheek, although I tried to get rid of his steel grip he forcefully opened my palm and next I felt him place a thread like thing in my hand.

I opened my eyes and noticed a string of my blouse been placed in my hand. I quickly touched my back only to notice only one string to be tied where as one was hanging low and other wasn't tied at all.

I froze. I quickly covered my dupatta against my back pressing my back more against the van hiding it while I noticed his jaw ticking and he spat angrily

'Woman you maybe maybe attractive but you lack one important quality that I acknowledge the most in a human being. And that is using brains!!! I hate dumb women! No wonder you are an actress! What more can I expect from a make up bimbo!!!' saying he smirked and walked away from there leaving me shaking in anger.

I clutched my fingers in a tight grip digging my nails into my palms. And walked towards him and in one go I gripped his left shoulder and made him turn around.

Taking a step closer to him and looking into his deep brown orbs I spoke up...

'You think that women are only categorised to be smart or intelligent only if they wait for the opposite person's action and then retaliate to it. Fair enough. Most women... most humans do that but when a man enters into a woman's be specific a woman's caravan when she's changing her clothes, then follow her all along, like he's possessed without uttering a word and then pin her to a random corner only to tell that her dress is dishelved, I don't think really makes it a sensible argument Mister!!!

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