Chapter 22

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'Mam please stop...once try to-' and I closed the bathroom door with a loud thud. I needed some corner to cry my heart out. But Shravya kept knocking on the door nonstop.

'Lavanya stop this madness!!! I swear if you don't open the door I'm going to ask Ali to break it open!!!' she said and I gave it a deaf ear and switched on the shower and let the drops of cold water fall on my head. I started crying under the shower. I didn't want anyone to hear my cries but Shravya is one stubborn friend.

'Lavanya I swear I'm going to slap you so hard this are scaring me girl... open the goddamn door!!!' she yelled and I kept crying over my fate.

Suddenly I felt a loud bursting noise and I noticed Ali and Shravya inside the washroom. Ali had managed to break open the door and Shravya came running towards me and turned off the knob of the shower.

'Lavanya what nonsense is this...Ali!!! Pass me that towel' she asked him and he worriedly passed the towel hanging on the hook to her and she started rubbing my head and side hugged me bringing me out of the washroom. My tshirt and jeans were drenched in water and I was shivering. Shravya took me to my room and forcefully made me change my clothes. Once I changed my clothes I sat on my bed hugging my legs placing my chin upon my knees and burst into tears. Shravya hugged me tightly

'Stop it Shhhhh please girl!!! Stop it!!!'

'I cantttt I cantttttt Shrav!!! Why me always...Am I not loyal? Am I not good enough? Why do men only want one thing from a woman? She's hot...she dresses up bold... she's single...does that mean you can woo her to bed? I'm not a slut Shrav!!!' I burst out crying when she hugged me tightly saying

'No Lavanya please...Look I honestly think this is a misunderstanding and you must-'

'He was talking about me to Adhik...Like they are playing passing the ball... younger brother got bored with me after attempting to climb my bed for five years and didn't succeed so elder ones turn now...Yes I'm a virgin...Yes I'm not cool like everyone...Yes I still have my old school it wrong to save yourself for someone until your marriage???

I don't judge people for having premarital sex then why does everybody have this fucking problem from me that I'm still a virgin??? Is it a crime to not loose virginity at 30??? My mother's best friend Chahat aunty never wanted to marry...was single until she was 32...had her first child at 35...does that mean she wasn't desirable? Like sex is a taboo topic in smaller societies and smaller cities in bigger cities virginity is a topic.

I'm not your big city celebrity!!! Keeping my choice to loose or keep it doesn't make me any less cool. No I won't have sex to please someone or be in the cool dude checklist. How is it wrong?' I yelled and shrieked so loudly that Shravya only hugged me and tried to shush me. I kept crying nonstop.

'I'm tired of being judged a certain way. Being a certain way. I'm tired...Shrav!!! The world is so unfair.' I said and Shravya only tried to hug me. Tears came rolling down my cheeks when Shravya wiped it and made me lie down.

'I thought he is different Shrav. He was making my heart beat again. He was turning out to be the med to my broken heart but I didn't know he instead wanted to rip it off and make me bleed more!!!'. Shravya didn't say anything and kept massing my head and I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with a severe headache while I noticed a pain killer and water next to me. There was also a few slices of bread toasted and a bowl of oats.

I brushed my teeth and had my breakfast and then took the tablet while Shravya came with a cup of coffee and offered it to me. I thanked her.

After asking if I'm doing well she slowly asked me if I would talk to Aditya about yesterday night and I slammed the coffee cup and walked towards the washroom. I didn't want to talk about it.

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