Chapter 30

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Short chapter today. Had a tiring day today.

Hope you enjoy it. Cheers.

Love Love ❤️


I kept swallowing dry looking at him and this very moment I wanted to run away. Far far away from him...his gaze..his fierce piercing gaze. It's like his eyes have the power to melt me into a puddle by just staring into my eyes.

'Why is your palm so sweaty?' Shravya asked and I looked at her at once who then looked at my expressions and then followed my gaze and she pouted a 'Ohhh' and I just wanted to walk away from here.

' look like you have encountered a ghost... everyone is seeing you... smile smile... you're an actress..come on!!!' she said and this very moment I realised I'm not such a good actress after all. I looked elsewhere. But my heart was still beating in my mouth and the very next second I heard

'Congratulations Aman...Shravya..I'm so happy for you both...' and I closed my eyes shut. His voice. His presence. He was near yet so far. I couldn't stand there for longer. I simply walked away from there.

On my way I saw a waiter distributing soft drinks. I picked one and started gulping it down my throat non stop. It was a cold drink which probably had the amount of sugar I consume in one month, to add on the preservatives, the fizz in it, nothing was good for my health. But right now I didn't care. I felt slightly better after the cool drink travelled down my throat. Bottoms up. I finished the bottle closing my eyes and the minute I opened my eyes I saw those girls standing infront of me. Shravya's cousins.

'Mam can we please have a picture of yours with ARS Sir...We know you said there's nothing between you and Sir but we really really really love you both. We are #AdYa shippers. Some of us even write fanfictions upon you both!!! Mam please this will mean so much for our fandom!!!' said the girl when I tried to deny them however a voice interrupted saying

'Fan fictions??? You mean you guys write imagines about us both???' and I froze again. Damn it. How much I want to go away from him that much he follows me.

'Yes Sir...Oh my both are so so beautifully perfect with each other. Don't mind Sir...but why can't you both date each both are just so-'

'I think that's enough girls. He and I are from the same industry and that's it!!!'

'Arent you both friends Mam? Sir?' asked another girl with a hint of hope in her eyes and I looked elsewhere when he said

'No...we are not friends! We can never be! Right Miss Khanna' he asked when I didn't care to stay there and ran away from there while Shravya's mom stopped me saying

'Arey Lavanya...glad you are here...can you please go to Room number 201...we booked it for Shravya's sake. Looks like the gift we were supposed to give Aman has been left in the room itself. Everyone else is busy dancing and I have to stay here for the rituals so can you please get it?' she asked and this is exactly what I was looking for...A reason to escape. So I immediately volunteered and agreed to go and get the gift.

I washed my face with a bottle of cold water recalling his fierce gaze, his voice and the way he addressed me as 'Miss Khanna' after so many months. How can he be so confident and how can I be so vulnerable infront of him. Shouldn't this be vice versa. It should be I giving him attitude and he running away from me instead I'm running away like a criminal. Ugh.

I still remember when 6 months ago he had the guts to come home. To my dad's home just to make sure if I was doing fine. I was slightly unwell due to weakness and climate change but he appeared in my dad's house in the middle of the night introducing himself to my mother and thank god dad wasn't here. Dad didn't like him a bit. He doesn't know what happened between us but he knows that I can't be wrong, so he was ready to feed him to eagles.

I still remember I was with Aahir and he tried to get to talk to me. He wanted to talk to me saying he had some extra formalities completed and hence needed my signatures. This was the silliest reason ever because he could have simply sent anyone. Sent Aman in worse case but instead he chose to come and I knew he was here to see me and I wanted to punish him. Not once did I talk to him and I simply signed those papers and he helplessly walked away.

But today he was here, with so much more confidence trying to approach me.
No!!! I can't go back to the same loop. I don't want this repeat again. You can do this blocked his brother. Block him too!!!

But was it really so easy???

I quickly found the box that aunty asked me to get when my back was itching. I decided to take a look at my back in the mirror and I noticed rashes. Probably because I had tied the strings tightly because the blouse was too revealing and tight.

But now it's going to look terrible once I remove the dress after party. So I decided to loosen the blouse. So I started untying the strings.

Once the strings loosened and my blouse was hanging without a pressure I felt so comfortable. The relief was nothing that I could describe. I noticed there was Shravya's body lotion so I slowly tried to apply on the rashes but when my hands couldn't reach I heard a voice that made a current travel down my spine.

'Need help?'

And my eyes widened. What the F???

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