Chapter 37

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'I cant believe my own eyes!!!' I whispered to myself but it looks like I was too loud because he replied 'Neither can I!!!' and we both kept looking at each other with questionable expressions. After a few minutes he cleared his throat saying

'Ummm I guess!! We should maybe sit and talk!!!' but suddenly we heard someone yelling and we were shocked.

'Aman??? That's Aman's voice!!!' Aditiya said

'And I guess that's Shravya if I am not wrong!!!' I said and then we both looked at each other in horror and then started walking... running towards the direction from where the voice came and we were shocked to see the scenario.

'What do you think of yourself Aman!!! You are my fiance and you are supporting him?' Shravya yelled and Aman hissed saying

'Dont yell Shravya..even I know to raise my voice and yes I'm going to support him because first he's not wrong and second he's my boss who is the reason why I could afford to ask your parents your hand in marriage!!! But you are blinded by your Mam's stupid theories...I can't believe the lady preaching my Sir loyalty lessons herself isn't trusting Sir!!! Irony of life' Aman yelled and we looked at Shravya and Aman. It was clear. He and I were their topic of discussion....or shall I say ... argument or worst....fight maybe???

'Oh just Shutup Aman...he has done this in the past as again... his name is getting dragged along with Leena...infact Haya just called and told me that Leena was asking for your Sir's Jaipur address...I'm going to kill that effin woman if she's coming here to Jaipur but before that I'm going to kill your Sir!!! Why is he entertaining her?' she screamed and even I was getting scared now. Damn she's loud.

'Oh Shutup Shravya!!! You can't always go back to someone's past mistakes. Even that day Sir didn't know Leena was coming to that party but yes Sir didn't clarify things, that was his fault. This time as well Sir isn't clarifying things but that doesn't mean he's encouraging things you stupid woman. And yes Leena wants to meet Sir because of bigger reasons!!! Everything isn't romantic okay? Leena is in trouble and Sir didn't want Lavanya Mam to know about it and wanted to sort it at his own level before things reach Lavanya Mam... because the truth is even she isn't safe anymore!!!' Aman announced leaving me shocked while Aditya quickly interrupted the conversation calling out Aman who looked shocked looking at both of us.

'Aman...I think you should be going back to your suite and get some rest. I will see you tomorrow!!!' saying he tried to walk away when I simply spoke up

'Aman you aren't going anywhere!'

'Aman...back to your room!!! You are my assistant not others!!!' he announced

'Aman I dare you to walk away from here. You may not be my assistant but you are my assistant's would be husband. So try walking away and I will make sure Shravya's wedding leaves will get reduced to bare minimum!!!' I threatened him while Shravya slightly whispered saying 'Honeymoon!!! Threaten him about that too!!!'

'Ohhhhh oh oh yes and no leaves for honeymoon!!!' I announced and Aman was shocked as he looked at his 'Sir' helplessly when his 'Sir' simply rolled his eyes saying

'Try staying here for next twenty seconds and I will make sure to not give you leave for your own wedding!!!' and the next second Aman simply looked at his Sir and me and next second banged the tablet in his hand on the side table saying

'No thank you Sir...Mam...Infact I quit!!! I
And you know why??? Because I am tired of dealing with a romeo like trying to be James Bond kinda wife who's dying to destroy his already disastrous imaginary so-called love life, his over emotional, Wannabe-Komolika in reel life, but in real is nothing but a first copy of a wannabe Tessa!!! Anddddd my great fiance who promises to shut her mouth, trust me yet blindly devoted towards her boss doesn't even think once that the Aman who stood against his boss's mistakes yelling at him knowing that he could kick him out of such a high paying job specially when his family desperately wants him to settle down is now going to support him two time women??? Like seriously??? I quit guys!!! I can't do this!!! Go play this game of hide and seek elsewhere.

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