Chapter 17

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'Lavanya Mam... what... what are you doing? I mean you saw what happened...' Shravya tried to convince me but I was packing my bags. I didn't want to stay in Mumbai for even a second.

'Mam...Mister Suryavanshi made sure the man is pushed behind the bars, he is punished and also the world now knows what he tried to attempt with you and many others so now why are you doing this? Mam please once listen to-'

'What is happening???' I heard another voice and I noticed Haya standing at the door of my house. She was shocked seeing me packing my bags.

'What are you doing Mam?' she asked me and I didn't care reply to her and continued packing my bags.

'Lavanya Mam is leaving the project and going to Bangalore. She is ready to pay the fine too but doesn't wish to continue working with ARS Production House.' Shravya said and Haya was shocked.

She came closer to me and asked
'But why? ARS Sir has made sure that Bharath has been exposed. I have heard Sir talk to the commissioner to make sure this case gets stronger and he doesn't even get a bail' she said and I smirked and said

'Oh really? And who is going to expose Mr Aditya Raj Suryavanshi? Don't think I'm dumb Haya. You were also in the meeting room when that pervert Bharath told us that it was Mr Suryavanshi who wanted this to happen. Now I don't know why he wanted to be a superhero by exposing Bharath's deeds where as he himself was the mastermind!' I spat and Haya looked pissed. She held my shoulder and turned me around asking

'He said something and you believed? Are you serious Lavanya Mam?' to which I smiled folding my hands against my chest saying

'It was all his brainchild Haya and all this because your boss was about to get slapped by me the first time at a Dandiya event during Navaratri where he was acting possessed. Ever since then he has been planning and plotting things against me! He got a chance to execute it and see where we please stop explaining me.'

'And what is the proof that he is behind all this?' she asked and I was fuming. Once and for all I wanted to give her a befitting reply. I walked towards the trash bin and pulled out the flower bouquet he gifted me yesterday and threw it on the floor. The gift card fell off the bouquet. Haya was confused.

'Your respectable boss sent me a flower bouquet along with a card which almost looked like an invite for me to become his private slut. He wanted me to entertain him and in return he was ready to offer me lead roles in his big budget movies. That sick man was asking for sexual favours and you want to tell me what a godman he is? I called him up and gave him an earful and probably that triggered him. That is the reason he gave a Bharath a free hand. So...if Bharath is is your boss and no I will never work for such a disgusting person.' saying I continued packing my bags.

Haya read the card and said
'This cannot be true. ARS Sir can never do it!!!' she said and I chuckled saying

'Just because the card isn't handwritten and is printed?' I ask and she nods but explains further saying

'These words don't like look they belong to ARS Sir. Sir hates movies. He's into this only because of return on investments and because Anand Sir wanted somebody responsible to take over the business unlike Adhik Sir who only thinks about his selfish needs. I...I don't understand this message. He can never say things like this. Ok...look here Mam...If you read this note clearly it mentioned 'My or our movies!!!' and ARS Sir can never say that. He never cares to show himself ever associated with movies, he only talks to me with plus or minus figures and it doesn't matter to him if it's a movie or a tv show. He calls them all to be projects!!!' she said and although I didn't want to listen to her I had actually noticed Mr Suryavanshi's hatred towards movies. That man doesn't care about movie making. But that alone wasn't enough to think he was innocent.

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