Chapter 45

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'Ummm Good evening Senior Mr Khanna' I wished him while he sat sipping something from his cup in his lavish living room sofa. But he did not even reply. He still kept on sipping from his cup. So I cleared my throat and wished him again but there was no response again.

I thought he has got old and maybe couldn't hear well so I slowly started walking closer to him while his thunderous voice roared in the room.

'Stay there young man! I didn't ask you to come here!!!' he noticed me? Then why didn't he respond back?

'Well that's because you were supposed to report to work by today 8pm and as of now the clock is ticking 8:30 pm!!! As much as I understand the journey from Mumbai to Bangalore would be 16+ maximum you should have reached here by 4pm!!! But you are late! And Rony Khanna loves his precious time. I don't respect people who don't respect time!' he announced and I gulped nervously trying to explain him

'Ummm Mister Khanna... actually the bus I was traveling in...broke' and he raised his eyebrow asking

'You took the bus?' and I nodded saying

'I heard that during your struggling days and before your joint venture with Mr Kapoor in chose to struggle rather than take help from your father. I know you started from the scratch Mr Khanna. If my boss can do can I!' I tried to impress him and my god he was.

He was smiling and I kind of felt like I struck gold. He smiled and said

'Well I'm impressed that I'm your inspiration, although you did not know who I was until last weekend your PA...Aman...right??? Oh yea!!! Aman dug out all my details and found made a detailed report about my profile and well like a kid ready to give a fresher HR interview you have mugged up all the details!!! But you know what? I don't think you read everything about me. I was an obedient son. Kisha Kapoor, my wife wasn't my choice. She was chosen by my father for me. And I fell in love with her later. So wanna follow my footsteps...go have an arranged marriage and stop portraying yourself to be a fake Romeo!!!' he announced and I was left in splits.

He smirked saying 'What happened young man? You thought you would say a few sugarcoated words and pocket me? I am The Rony Khanna little boy. I deal with business sharks when the business world in India was filled with mafias, goons and underworld criminals. I ain't a softie at heart. This isn't like the deal you cracked day before yesterday with the Malhans or the project you want to acquire by taking over the Kellis empire. I'm tough nut to crack kiddo!!!' he announced and my jaw dropped.

He exactly knew what I did before coming here, what project I am going to work upon when the man isn't even actively working and is a retired man.

While I was still trying to come in terms with his knowledge about my schedule which only Aman knew he smirked and sipped the last sip from his cup saying
'I have retired from my business kid!!! Not from my family! You are here for my most precious one. My grandchild. You are in my radar 24/7. I'm watching!!! Alllll the time!!!' saying he removed his golden framed glasses and shot me a look.

He's dangerous!!!

'If you work for Rony Khanna you must respect time. I heard you are extremely punctual. Before Aman you changed a number of assistants because they weren't punctual. I thought you respect time but looks like everything is just a facade hannn?' he asked and I cleared my throat saying

'Apologies Mr Khanna but I do respect time the most. I don't want to give any explanations or reasons but in my defence I just have one thing to say. I didn't know much about bus travels! Again...not a reason. My fault and I accept it.' I said while he smirked saying

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