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Cover by @bamboocarbon-ver-2-0 on Tumblr!!

-mentions of abuse
-homophobic comments (f-slur)
(Finney's pov)

Everyday is the same. Wake up, get ready in silence so I don't make my father angry, walk to school with Gwen, and get made fun of by kids at school. Everyone knew that the kids at school picked on me, but no one did anything about it, besides my best friend, Robin.

Vance has threatened a few kids, but not as much as Robin. I was always very thankful to have Robin as one of my friends. He gets into a lot of fights, and knows how to defend himself from people.

Bruce doesn't do anything about the bullying. He knows about it, but he doesn't know as much as the others. I honestly didn't want Bruce to know more about it, because he is one of the popular kids at school.


As Gwen and I walked to school, I stared down at my shoes as we walked. Last night our father got very drunk and beat both of us, mine being the worst because of me taking part in Gwen's beating. It was one of the rare occasions where our dad beat me with his belt, and I felt so much pain in my back.

"How are you feeling?" Gwen asked me.

"My back hurts a lot, but besides that, I feel fine," I said back to her.

"I still feel bad about you getting part of my beating," Gwen said.

"Stop that," I told her. "Dad has no right to hit you as often as he does."

"So dad has the right to hit you?" Gwen asked me.

"Yes-, no-. It's different when he does it to me," I told her.

Gwen didn't say anything else to me. She knew how I felt about what our father does to us. I hated when Gwen got hit by him, I felt like I was the one who deserved to be in her spot.

When we got to school, Gwen went up to the elementary school, while I went to the high school. I kept my head down as I slowly walked through the halls. When I got to my locker, I quickly put my combination in and grabbed the stuff I needed.

While walking to the first period, I found Bruce and Vance talking to each other by Bruce's locker. I looked past them slightly, and saw the three kids who pick on me everyday. I looked down at the floor, trying not to draw their attention.

"Hey, Finney," I heard one of them say.

I walked towards the bathroom, and quickly hid in one of the stalls. I put my feet up on the seat of the toilet, and held my breath as the door opened and shut.

"Come on out," one of the bullies said. "We know you're in here, faggot."

They started to kick the doors to each stall, and when they kicked the one I am in, I accidentally made a noise. I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing that I now have to come out of the stall. I slowly got off of the toilet, and grabbed my backpack, before opening the stall.

"Did you read the sign? It says boys, not fags," one of them said.

I just stared at the ground, not wanting to look up at any of my bullies. They kept making rude comments to me, which caused tears to threaten to fall from my eyes. I tried to hide the tears, but the bullies ended up seeing them.

"Aww, the fag is crying," one of them said.

"Come up with a different insult, dipshits," a different voice said.

I looked up, and saw Vance standing behind my bullies. I quickly wiped my eyes, so Vance wouldn't see the tears. The bullies all slowly moved away from me, and slowly walked out of the bathroom past Vance.

"You're lucky Robin didn't find you," Vance said to me. "Those idiots would've been beat up already. Well, I might've done that too, if they were actually hitting you."

"Please don't tell him. I know that he gets really mad with the bullying stuff," I said to him.

"I won't, but you will have to tell him one of these days," Vance told me.

"I know..." I said.

A few months ago, I came out to Bruce as gay. He accidentally told Vance a few weeks after I came out, and I was completely terrified to be around Vance, until he sat me down and told me that he didn't care about my sexuality. Ever since then, they have been the only two to know that I am gay.

I am scared to tell Robin, mainly because he is my best friend, and it would break my heart if he thought of me differently.

"He won't think differently of you. Bruce and I don't think differently of you, why would he?" Vance asked.

"I dunno," I said back to him.

"Then stop being a little bitch about this, and tell Robin that you like guys," Vance said, hitting his hand on my back, causing me to flinch. "Let me see your back," Vance said, more demanding.

"I said, no," I said back to him.

Vance grabbed me by my arms, and pulled me closer to him. I tried to fight against Vance, but he was much stronger than me. He pulled my shirt up, and looked over my shoulder to my back.

I held my breath as I felt Vance fall still. Tears pricked my eyes as fear took over my body. I was able to keep the abuse a secret for almost two years, but now, someone outside of my household knows.

"Who did this to you?" Vance asked me.

"T-that's not important," I said back to him.

"Yes it is, Finn," Vance said back to me. "Now tell me, who did this to you, so I can go beat the shit out of them."

I held my breath for a second. Should I tell Vance who had done this to me? Vance can get very violent, and I didn't want him to cause my own father pain.

"You can't hurt him," I said back to him.

"Depends on who it is," Vance said.

"My dad."

Words 1114

For anyone who follows/reads my DreamSMP related stories that are just reading this for fun, this book is based off of the 'The Black Phone' movie. The movie takes place in the 1970's, but this story takes place in the modern world.

We don't exactly know the kids ages, so we're going to say that Griffin is thirteen, Billy, Finney, and Robin are all fourteen, Bruce is fifteen, and Vance is sixteen.

There will be simple spelling mistakes on purpose; like mixing up letters in text. If it's something big in the actual story, please comment about it :)

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