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(Finney's pov)

~A Week Later~

Today is New Year's Eve, and once again, we are having a small party at our house. Vance and mines friends were coming over to celebrate going into the new year together. Since Christmas, Sarah has been working to officially adopt Gwen and me.

Surprisingly, she has been having a very easy time when it came to everything that has needed done. We think that within the next month or so that we will have all the paper work done.


I stood in the kitchen with Sarah as she finished up doing the dishes. I had been drying them for her, but got distracted when Gwen asked me to do her hair.

"Is Robin coming still for the party?" Sarah asked me.

Robin's uncle met a girl at a bar two weeks ago, and he talked about bringing her and her daughter, that is around our age, around for New Year's Eve. Robin told me that his uncle really wanted him to stay at the house, so he could meet his uncles girlfriend and daughter.

He told me that he didn't know if he would be able to make it to our party, because he didn't want to upset his uncle with not meeting his girlfriend or her daughter. I told him that it was okay to miss our party, because family always comes first.

"I'm not sure. He still doesn't know if he will come later or not," I told her.

Even if Robin doesn't come, I will have all of our other friends to hang out with at the party, but I still wanted Robin to be here. I still hope that he will be here, because I want to spend time with my boyfriend.

"You could go there," she told me.

"I don't want to see rude to my friends," I told her.

"I think they would understand why you are going over there. Robin is your boyfriend after all," Sarah said back to me with a smile.

I blushed slightly as when Sarah had said that Robin is my boyfriend. Sarah was very supportive right as soon as I had told her about Robin and I. It made me very happy that Sarah supported me, unlike how my father had reacted.

"I still don't want to leave them like that," I told her.

It was the truth. I never wanted any of my friends to feel left out when it came to us all hanging out together. I never spent too much time with Robin, or any of them, when we all were together. I always made sure that I spent equal amounts of time with each one of my friends.

"Well if you ever do want to go over to Robins, Vance or I will drive you over," she told me as she ruffled up my hair, and pressed a kiss against my forehead.

"Okay. Thank you, Sarah," I said back to her.


It was eleven at night now, and Robin still wasn't here. I have been sitting in the living room with all my friends, Sarah, and Gwen, watching random movies since six o'clock. I would look at my phone every now and again to see if Robin had text me anything, and each time I looked, he hadn't.

I felt sad that I haven't heard from Robin since much earlier today, but I knew that he was busy spending time with his family.

"Finney, do you want to pick the next movie?" Griffin asked me.

I shook my head back to him. Griffin nodded his head back to me as he scrolled through some movies. I stared off at the wall until there was a knock on the door.

I jumped slightly at the noise, causing Vance to look over at me with a worried look.

"You good, Finn?" He asked me.

I nodded my head back to him as I stood up to go answer the door. When I opened the door, a smile grew on my face when I saw Robin standing on the other side. I quickly wrapped my arms around him, and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Hello, amor. Sorry for not getting here sooner," Robin said back to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's okay," I said back to him before pressing my lips against his.

Robin kissed back almost right away. The kiss lasted for a few short seconds before we pulled away from each other.

"Come on," I said. "It's cold out here, and the others are inside."

Robin nodded his head back to me as we let go of each other. Once we got inside, Robin took off his shoes and jacket. We walked into the living room, and everyone looked at us.

All of our friends said a quick hello to Robin, before he sat down on the couch. I sat down on Robin's lap, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Robin placed gentle kisses against my neck as we watch the next forty minutes of the movie.


It is now three minutes before the ball dropped. Everyone in the living room was watching the television for the last three minutes as we waited for the ball to drop. Robin stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm happy that I get to go into the new year with you," Robin whispered to me as he kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy for that too," I told him as I pecked his lips quickly.

As the last few minutes of the year slowly passed by, all of my friends and I huddled up together. Gwen stood in front of me as I held onto her shoulders. Gwen kept teasing Robin and me about Robin holding me, and I rolled my eyes as Robin and Gwen started to argue like actual siblings.

When the last twenty seconds the year came, everyone in the living room started to count down. When the ball finally dropped, I let go of Gwen, and turned towards Robin. He had a smile on his face as he pulled me into a kiss.

When we pulled away from the kiss, Bruce was smiling like a little kid in a candy store. He showed us a picture of us kissing, which was obviously from just a few seconds ago. Robin told Bruce to send it to him, and I just rolled my eyes as I placed my head on Robin's shoulder.


Not long after the ball dropped, everyone got ready for bed. Bruce was sleeping on an air mattress in Vance's room, Billy and Griffin were going to share the couch, and Robin and I are going to share my bed. Robin hadn't brought anything with him besides his phone, so I allowed him to borrow a pair of pajama pants before we went to bed. Once we got into bed, I cuddled up against Robin's chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

Robin ran his hand up and down my back as I slowly drifted off.

"I love you, Finney," he whispered to me.

"I love you too," I said, barely audible, but because of how close we are, Robin could hear me.

Words 1208

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