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-mentions of abuse wounds
(Finney's pov)

When I woke up the net day, I wasn't in as much pain as I was in the day before. I was able to get up without having to sit on the edge of the bed. I walked over to my dresser, and pulled out a pair of jeans, a white sweater, and a random pair of socks.

I opened my bedroom door, and walked out to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast Gwen and me. Once I finished our breakfast, Gwen walked out into the kitchen, all dressed for school. I handed her food quietly, not wanting to be too loud in case our dad would wake up.

We quickly ate our breakfast before going to put our shoes on. We walked out of our house after we both got our shoes on, and I locked the door behind us after exiting. While we walked to school, I saw Vance walking with Bruce across the street from us.

Neither of my friends realized that I am on the other side of the road. I secretly was somewhat happy with that, because Vance can't ask me anything too personal about yesterday.

As Gwen and I got closer to school, we saw a group of kids surrounding two other kids. Anyone would be able to tell that it was a fight right away. Gwen and I tried to get closer to the front of the circle to see who the two kids fighting were, but I had a feeling for who one of them are.

I heard the sound of skin making contact with skin, and started to hear people cheer Robin's name. I let out a sigh of annoyance when I realized that my best friend was the one in the fight. A few minutes into the fight, I pushed my way through the crowed to get to Robin, and pull him away from the fight.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I grabbed Robin's underarms, and struggled to pull him away. Robin fought against my hold for a few seconds, before he calmed down slightly. I held onto his arm as we walked to school.

Once we got into one of the bathrooms, I forced Robin to stand beside one of the sinks as I wetted a paper towel with water. I grabbed Robin's hand right after, and gently patted his knuckles clean.

"You don't have to do this," Robin said quietly to me.

"Yes I do," I said back to him. "You would just let them bleed until you wanted to clean them."

I looked at Robin's face, and blushed when I realized how close we are right now. There was only at least four inches between us. I quickly looked away from Robin's face, so he wouldn't see the blush on my face.

"You know," Robin started, "you are the only person I let do this."

I smiled to myself. "Really?"

Robin nodded my head back to me. We made eye contact for a few seconds, before I looked away from him, blush covering my face. When I finished bandaging Robin's hand, I kept ahold of Robin's hand for a little too long after.

I looked at Robin, and saw that he had blush on his face too.

"Um, Finn. You can let go of my hand now," he said.

I felt my face heat up much more as I quickly let go of his hand.


"No need to apologize," Robin said. "Thanks for bandaging me up. You are the best, Finn."

I blushed slightly from his comment. "Thank you."

I hated how much I was blushing at Robin. This is the first time I have blushed this much from stuff Robin is saying to me. It felt wrong, mostly because Robin doesn't know I am gay, and it would most likely make him uncomfortable that his best friend liked the same gender.

"You good, Finn?" Robin asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. "Just lost in thought."

"Want to talk about it?" He asked me.

I shook my head back to him. "It's nothing too important," I told him.

"I'm open ears if you want to talk about anything," Robin said.

"I know," I said back to him.

"Hey, can you come over one evening?" Robin asked me.

"Is it math again?" I asked him.

Robin nodded his head. "The teacher doesn't explain well enough, and goes way to fast."

I nodded my head back to him. "What day?"

"How about tonight?" He asked.

"I'll have to talk to Gwen about it," I told him.

I couldn't live with myself if I let Gwen get hurt by him while I am not home.

"I could go to your house," Robin said.

I shook my head. "Our dad doesn't like people coming over that much."

"Okay..." Robin said.

"I'm sorry, I'll just be over around five tonight," I said back to him.

"Okay. Bye Finn. Thanks again for bandaging my hand," Robin said, placing a hand on my shoulder as he walked past me out of the bathroom.

A few minutes after he left, the bathroom door opened again while I was putting away the stuff I used for Robin's hand. I looked over towards the door, and saw Vance standing there.

"Hey, Vance," I said quietly as I looked away from the door.

"Hi," he said back, walking over to me. "I think we both know what I want to talk about right now."

I nodded my head back to him.

"Nothing bad happened," I told him.

"Bullshit, Finn. You have been limping around for the last three days," Vance said back to me.

"I'm fine, though," I said back to him.

"You're a shit liar," Vance said back to me. "Robin and Bruce even asked questions yesterday, Finn. They were able to see that you were physically hurt."

"You didn't tell them, did you?" I asked me.

Vance shook his head. "No yet, but if you tell me the bullshit excuse again, I will tell them."

I nodded my head back to him. What Vance is saying isn't a threat, I know that he will tell Bruce and Robin about what he has figured out.

"Can I see your back?" He asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. I turned my back towards Vance, and slowly pulled my shirt up. Vance cursed under his breath once he saw my back.

He gently placed his finger on one of the wounds on my back.

"Finn, this is bad," he said, "really bad."

"It's okay. I'm okay."

"Bullshit, Finney," Vance said back to me.

"I swear," I told him."

Vance shook his head. "Im going to beat the shit out of your dad for doing this."

Words 1125

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