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I have no idea if I will be able to get the 6pm upload out on time, so if I can't, it will be moved to 8pm!

-mentions of abuse(?)
-mentions of suicide
(Finney's pov)

After Vance let my shirt fall back down, he grabbed my shoulders, and forced me to face him again. Vance had a somewhat worried look on his face as he looked at me. I had no idea what the look meant from Vance.

"Let me see your wrist," he said quickly. I had hardly heard what he had said because of it being so fast.

"What?" I asked him.

"Role up your sleeves," Vance said. "I want to see your wrist."

I looked at Vance with a confused look on my face, but didn't question what he wanted me to do. I pulled up both of my sleeves, and showed Vance my forearm and bicep. The only things on my arms are bruises from my bullies.

Vance let out a sigh of relief when he saw my arms. I had no idea what he had even been looking for when we had me role my sleeves up.

"You can talk to me about anything, you know. I won't judge you on anything," Vance said.

"I know," I said with a small smile on my face. "What happened to tough guy, Vance?"

Vance rolled his eyes before gently punching me in the shoulder. I laughed slightly as I held my arm where he had hit me.

"Don't go telling people about that. I have a reputation to keep up," he said.

I smiled at him as I put my hands up in the air. "Don't worry, I won't go telling people you can be a softy at some times."

Vance smiled at me before ruffling up my hair. He walked back towards the bathroom door. He pushed the door open, but before he left, he looked back at me.

"Stay safe, Finney," he said.

"You too, Vance," I said back to him.

Once Vance got out of the bathroom, I slowly picked my bag up from the ground. Before I was about to leave the bathroom, the door opened, and Bruce walked in. I jumped from almost bumping into Bruce.

"Oh, Finney. There you are. Can you help me with a math equation?" He asked.

I nodded my head back to him. Bruce and I sat down on the floor for a few minutes as I explained the problem he needed help with. Once I was done explaining it, Bruce got the answer correct for the question.

"Thanks a lot, Finney. I don't know what I would do without you," he said.

"Maybe not pass math," I said back to him.

Bruce laughed and nodded his head back to me. "Maybe."

Bruce packed all of his stuff up while I stood, waiting on him to stand up, so we could walk to class together. Once Bruce was standing up, we walked out of the bathroom, and headed to class.

"Oh, the party is on Friday, by the way. I know you where the one out of our friends that needed to know what day it was on," Bruce told me.

I nodded my head back to him. I felt relieved that the party was on Friday and not Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about Gwen getting hurt by our father while I wasn't home.

"Thank you," I said back to him.

"It's no problem, Finney," he said back to me.

We got to Bruce's class first. He said a quick goodbye to me, before he went inside of the classroom. I continued to walk down the hall to my class I need to be in.

When I got in the class, I went to the desk I sat at by myself. No one at school really likes me; it doesn't help that two of my friends are the toughest kids. People still pick on my daily, or they completely ignore me.

I didn't mind it though. People never talked to me at school before Robin. People also never paid any attention to me until my mothers death.

Though who wouldn't look at the kid who found his own mother? People seemed to look at me with pity when the school figured out about my mom. The bullying stopped for a week or two after my mothers death, but when the bullying started back up, it was worst than before.


I slowly walked through the hallway with my head down, staring at my feet. Almost two weeks ago was the funeral of my mother. Everyone at school looked at me with pitiful looks when I walked past them. Everyone besides my best friend, Robin.

"Hey, Fairy!" Someone yelled from behind me.

I looked back, and saw the group of three that picks on me each day. I let out a sigh as I picked up my speed of walking, so I could get away from them. But the hallway was too full. People kept walking slowly in front of me, causing me not to be able to get away from the bullies.

One of them grabbed the handle on my backpack, and pulled me along with them. I tried to get away from the bullies, but they all held onto me in some way. After a few minutes of being pulled around, the bullies threw me onto the floor of the bathroom.

I tried to stand up, but one of the bullies kicked me in the stomach. From the pain of the impact, I rolled myself into a ball, and just laid on the ground.

"You should do everyone a favor, and kill yourself like your mother," one of them said.

Tears filled my eyes at the mentions of my mother. I hid my face in my arm, so none of the bullies would see that I am crying. They kept saying rude things, and would kick me every now and again.

The only thing that made them stop was the bathroom door opening. I was shaking the on floor when I heard the voice of Vance Hopper; the toughest kid in school.

"Dipshits, leave him alone," he said.

The bullies grabbed their things, and left the bathroom, leaving me still on the floor. I still shook when Vance grabbed my arm and pulled me off of the ground. He looked at me with his usual look he gave everyone.

"You're Finney Blake, aren't you?" He asked me.

I nodded my head back to him, too scared to say anything back to him. Vance let go of my arm, and took a step back.

"Sorry about your mom," he said, going over to one of the stalls.

"It's fine, I guess..." I said back to him.

Vance didn't say anything back to me. I grabbed my stuff off of the floor, and headed out of the bathroom. I quickly walked to my class, not wanting to later than I already am.


I shook my head, taking the thought of how I first started talking to Vance out of my head. The teacher had already started teaching, and there was some stuff already on the board for us to copy down. I quickly got my stuff out, and started to copy down the notes.

Words 1183

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