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(Vance's pov)

I looked at Finney through the review mirror. He had his face turned towards the window, and I could see him biting his lip. I looked behind the seat, and saw Finney bouncing his leg up and down very quickly.

As I turned back towards the front of the car, a frown came onto my face. I could tell that Finney was nervous, but I didn't know what he was nervous about.


When we got to the house, I carried Finney and Gwen's bags into the house, before my mom took Gwen's bag to show her to her room. I told Finney to follow me to his room, and when we did get there, I allowed Finney to go in first.

"I know that it's small, we hope you don't mind," I told Finney as he looked around.

"I like it," he said as he looked at me with a small smile.

"That's good," I said. "I thought that once you are settled in, we could go get some space themed stuff."

Finney's face seemed to light up at the idea of us going to get space themed stuff for his room.

"Thank you, Vance," Finney said.

"You're welcome, Finn," I said back to him.

"You still are a softy," Finney said back to me.

I rolled my eyes back to him. I ruffled his hair slightly, before stepping halfway out of the doorway.

"I'm going to leave you to unpack. If you want any help, I will most likely be in the living room or my bedroom. My room is just down the hall, on the left," I told him.

Finney nodded his head back to me as he opened the backpack that had all his clothes in it. I shut the door behind me, and slowly walked to the kitchen. I ran my hand through my hair as I plopped down onto the couch.

"Gwen is a very sweet girl," my mom said as she walked into the kitchen.

I nodded my head back to her, but didn't look at her.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asked me.

"Finney has been really quiet. I'm trying to think of things that will make him more comfortable being here," I told her.

"Do you know what his favorite meal is? I could cook it for dinner," she said.

I shook my head, "no, I don't know what it is. I'm going to go ask him."

I stood up from the couch, and walked back towards Finney's room. I gently knocked on the door as I waited for him to open the door.

"What's your favorite meal?" I asked him.

"I guess the food you made when you were at my house," he said.

I nodded my head back to him as I walked away from his room. Once I got back into the kitchen, I told my mom what to make.

"That was your favorite meal as a child," she said, a small smile on her face.

"I made it for him when I went over to his house the other day," I told her.

"That's very sweet of you," she told me.


When it got around the time for dinner, Finney and Gwen came into the living room and sat with me as we watched a random movie. Finney went to help my mom set the table. I had told him that he didn't need to, and that I would go help her, but he insisted on going to help her.

A few minutes later after Finney went to go help my mom set the table, she called for us to come eat. I sat down beside Finney at the table, and Gwen sat beside my mom.

"Would it be alright if I called Robin after dinner, Sarah?" Finney asked quietly.

"Of course it is!" My mom said back to him. "You don't need to ask to call him."

"Okay," Finney said back to her.

When we all got done eating, Finney helped my mom bring the dishes to the sink, and then Gwen helped my mom actually do the dishes. Finney walked up to the landline, but before he could grab the phone, I placed my hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Use my phone," I told him as I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out.

"Thank you," he said back to me as he grabbed my phone.

I told him the password, before he walked into his room. I sat back down on the couch, and continued to watch the movie I had been watching with Finney and Gwen before dinner. A few minutes later, Gwen came back into the living room.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here," Gwen said to me.

"Of course," I said back to her. "You two deserve a good, happy home to live in."

Gwen smiled at me once again, before she went back to paying attention to the movie on the screen. About twenty minutes later, Finney came into the living room again. He sat down beside me, and gave me back my phone.

"Is it okay if I go to Robin's after school tomorrow?" He asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. "Do you need a ride there?" I asked him.

Finney shook his head back to me. He told me that he was just going to walk with Robin back to his house. I nodded my head back to him, before teasing me.

"Don't be having too much fun over there," I told him.

Finney's face turned a bright shade of pink after I said that, and Gwen and I broke out into a fit of laughter. Finney covered his face with his hands, and I gently patted my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just messing with you, Finn," I said back to him.

"I hope so," Finney said. "We aren't anything more then friends."

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't believe Finney with what he had just said. I could tell that they both had feelings for each other, but I wasn't going to say anything to either of them. I didn't know if either of them knew that they had feelings for the other, so I was just going to allow them to figure it out themselves.

Words 1054

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