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-homophobia (f-slur)
-physical/child abuse
(Finney's pov)

When I woke up, I heard my dad talking to someone. I couldn't completely understand what was being said, and just assumed that it was one of the neighbors again. After a few minutes, I heard the front door shut.

I slowly sat up in bed, and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I slowly moved my legs to the edge of my bed, and rested my feet on the ground. After a few short seconds, I heard loud, heavy footsteps coming towards my room.

TW physical/child abuse basically starts

My bedroom door slammed open, hitting the wall. I jumped when I looked up, and saw my father standing there with an angry look on his face. He had a picture in his hand, but I had no idea why he was so mad.

"Would you like to explain this picture?" He yelled at me as he showed me the picture.

I had to squint to see what the picture was, but I realized that it was a picture of Robin and me kissing in the field. My face heated up out of embarrassment, and my heart sped up out of fear as I looked at the picture in my fathers hand.

"I-It's not what it seems," I told him quietly.

"It's not what it seems?!" He repeated, screaming. "HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM, BOY?"

I stayed silent as he yelled. I lowered my head, and looked down at my hands.

"Look at me."

I didn't look up. I am terrified of what the look on my dads face was.

"I said, LOOK UP!" My father yelled as he stomped over to me.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair, and pulled me up. I yelled out in pain as my father pulled me out into the kitchen. He pushed me onto the floor as he undid his belt.

"Lean against the counter, and take your shirt off. I'm going to teach you a lesson for being a faggot," he said.

My father didn't speak with a loud volume anymore, but I could still tell that he was very angry. I did as he told me to. I pulled my shirt over my head, and sat it down on the ground, before I leaned against the counter. The only thing going through my head as I stared at the counter was if Gwen was awake now.

After a few seconds of waiting for the impact of the belt, it finally arrived. The belt hit my back hard, and I held back a scream. My father kept hitting me over and over with the belt.

He didn't stay in one specific spot on my back. I felt the belt hit every part of my back, multiple times too. The belt even got my arms every now and again.

After just a few hits of the belt, I started to scream out from the pain. I looked up towards the living room, and saw Gwen standing there with a terrified look on her face.

"DADDY, STOP!" She yelled out to our father.

He looked at her, and pointed the belt towards her.


She looked at me with a confused look. "No, daddy. I didn't."

Our father hit the belt down against my back right after that. I let out a scream from the pain, and more tears fell from my eyes. My legs shook so bad that I felt like I was about to fall over at any second.

After a few more hits, I fell down onto the floor. My dad stopped hitting me with the belt, but now he kicked me in my sides and back. I tried to curl myself into a ball to try to reduce the amount of kicks to my sides, but it didn't work that well.

"NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!" He yelled as he kicked me very hard in my side.

I screamed out in pain, and cried out for my dad to stop. After being kicked a few more times, I heard a door slam open. I didn't dare to look to see who it was, but I could hear two people fighting.

TW over

I felt hands touch me, which caused me to flinch away from whoever was touching me.

"Finney, it's just me. Bruce. You're okay," Bruce said quietly.

I felt slightly better knowing that the person who is touching me right now is just Bruce. He tried to move me to sit up against him, but I cried out in pain. Bruce whispered to me as he tried to move me once again.

I looked over over Bruce's shoulder, and saw Vance punching my father and yelling at him. I didn't listen to what he is yelling. I was in so much pain that I didn't care about anything else.

Things slowly started to slowly go black, and my eyes felt heavy. My eyes fell shut, and my felt myself fall in Bruce's touch even more.

Words 834

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