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-none but there is mentions of pain reliever
(Finney's pov)

When I woke up, I felt something around me, and slightly freaked out at first, but when I woke up a bit more, I looked down, and saw that I was asleep on Robin. I relaxed a little bit when I realized that it was just him. I cuddled back up against Robin, because of the small space on the hospital bed.

Robin's arms tightened around me, but not hard enough to hurt me. A small smile formed as I closed my eyes, and listened to Robin's steady heartbeat. After a few minutes of doing that, my eyes slowly closed, and I started to drift off.


When I woke up again, Robin was also awake. He was running his hand through my hair as he scrolled on his phone. I looked up at him for a few minutes, before he had even realized that I had woken up.

"Oh, I didn't realize you are awake," he said, removing his hand from my hair.

I slowly sat up, but a sharp pain went through my side as I did so. I quickly placed my hand on the spot that hurt, and Robin seemed to almost fling himself forward to help me. He placed his hand on top of mine, and looked at me with a slightly worried look.

"Are you okay, amor?" He asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. "Just a pain."

"I can call for a doctor to come to give you medicine," he said.

I shook my head back to him. "That's not necessary."

"Yes it is, Finn. If you're in pain, you need medicine," he said.

Robin reached over, and pressed the button on the remote beside my bed. My eyes got big out of shock, mostly from how much Robin is doing for me, just because I was in a little pain.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked him, looking down.

"Because I care about you," Robin said back to me, as he placed his hand on the side of my face.

I leaned into his hand as he slowly started to rub his thumb against my cheek. We slowly moved closer to each other, but stopped when there was hardly any space between us.

"Can I kiss you?" Robin asked quietly.

I nodded my head back to him, before quietly saying yes. Robin gently pressed his lips against mine after that. I kissed back almost immediately.

I had missed the feeling of Robin's lips a lot more than I had expected I would. When we pulled away from each other, I took a few seconds to breath, before pressing my lips against his again. Robin was shocked for a few short seconds, but he quickly started to kiss back again.

I slowly brought my hand to the back of his neck, and slightly grabbed onto his hair. Robin gently placed his hand on my side, and I flinched, causing Robin to pull away from the kiss.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked me.

I shook my head back to him quickly. "No. I just didn't expect you to touch me there."

"Are you sure that's all it was?" Robin asked me.

I nodded my head back to him, before holding my pinky out to him.

"Promise," I said.

Robin smiled at me as he rolled his eyes, and wrapped his pinky around mine. I brought our hands close to my mouth, and gently kissed Robin's knuckle.

"I think I figured out my sexuality," he said.

"Really? That was quick," I said back to him.

"Like I said, I think I figured it out," he said back to me. "I think I'm gay too. I've liked girls, but now that I think about it, those "crushes" were nothing compared to how I feel about you."

I smiled at him slightly. I felt special knowing that I am Robin's very first serious crush. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could say anything, the door to my room opened.

Robin and I moved away from each other quickly. We sat beside each other, acting like we weren't just kissing each other. A nurse entered my room, and looked at us with a slightly worried look.

"Are you okay, Finney?" She asked me.

"He's feeling a lot of pain right now. Could he get some pain relievers?" Robin said, before I could even open my mouth to reply to the nurse.

"Of course," she said with a kind smile, before leaving.

"You didn't have to do that," I told him.

"Yes I did," he said. "If you had done it, you would've said that you're fine."

I rolled my eyes back to him. Even though I knew that Robin was right, I wasn't going to openly admit that he is. The nurse came back into my room  a few minutes later.

She gave me a small bottle of water and two pills. I thanked her before I put one of the pills in my mouth. I took a drink from the water to help swallow the pill, and then did the same thing with the second pill.

"Thank you," I said to the nurse, after taking both pills.

"Of course, honey," she said back to me.

The nurse left the room not long after, and Robin grabbed my hand basically right after. He brought my hand up to his mouth, and pressed two quick kisses against it. I smiled at him as I moved my hand to intertwined our fingers together.

"Do you know when I'll get out of here?" I asked him.

"A doctor said that you will most likely be out of here tomorrow," he said back to me.

I nodded my head back to him. "Where is Gwen and I going to stay?" I asked him.

"You both will stay with Vance and his mom," Robin said. "But you both are completely welcome at my home."

I smiled at Robin as I pressed a short kiss onto his cheek.

"Thank you," I said to him.

"For what?" Robin asked me.

"For being so sweet," I said.

"Only for you and Gwen," Robin said back to me.

I smiled at him even more as I laid my head on Robin's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, and gently rubbed his hand up and down my arm. I felt so safe and happy while being held by Robin like this.

Words 1073

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