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(Robin's pov)

I bounced my leg up and down as I waited for Bruce to get to my house. My mom cooked in the kitchen as I stared out the kitchen window.

"Robin, cálmate. Él estará aquí pronto," my mom said.

"Lo sé, mamá, pero estoy nervioso," I said back to her.

I had told my mother and uncle about Bruce coming over, and they both were okay with it. Neither of them really knew why Bruce was coming over, but I figured they both had an idea of why he was. After a few more minutes, there finally was a knock on the front door.

I quickly went over to the door, and opened it to find Bruce standing there. He looked at me with a small smile before he said 'hi'. I didn't say anything back to him, I just grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house.

Once we got into my room, I shut my door quickly behind us.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked me.

"It's 12:15. You said you would be here at noon!" I told him.

"I know, Rob, but I had to walk here. I didn't think it would take me that long to get here," Bruce told me.

I ran my hand through my hair as I put my head down.

"Look, I can tell you're stressed. Tell me what has you all stressed out," Bruce said.

"I'm fucking in love with my best friend from elementary school, and I want to ask him out," I told him.

Bruce smiled at me as he slowly walked over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders to keep me still.

"Robin, calm down. Finney obviously has mutual feelings to you. All we need to do today is come up with a cute way for you to ask him out, and then you too will most likely become official," he said.

I took in a deep breath as I nodded my head back to him. Bruce and I sat down on my bed with a notebook and a pencil. We wrote down a few different ideas for how I would ask Finney out.

After an hour, we had came up with a lot of ideas. We are now narrowing down the list to just a few ideas.

"Which one do you like the most?" Bruce asked me as we only had four ideas left.

"This one," I said pointing to one the options.

The one I picked was for Finney and me to go stargazing, and while we are out, I would ask Finney out. I found this one to be the best option because of how much he loves space.

"Finney will like that," Bruce said with a smile on his face.

"That's why I want to do that one," I told him.

"Okay then, it's settled. This is the way you are going to ask Finney out!" Bruce said.

"Thank you," I told him. "For helping me with this. It would've taken me forever to come up with this on my own."

"You're welcome, Robin. It really isn't a problem, I want you and Finney to be happy together," he said.

"Has it really been super obvious that we are really close right now?" I asked him.

Bruce nodded his head back to me. "After Vance dropped you and Finney off, he called me and asked if I noticed you two acting slightly weird around each other. I told him that you two probably liked each other."

"It was that obvious then?" I asked him.

Bruce nodded his head back to me.

I let out a sigh as a small smile came onto my face. "I do truly love Finn so much."

"Have you told him that?" Bruce asked me.

"No, I haven't told him that. I have been to scared to say that to him," I told Bruce.

"You could say it in Spanish. Finney doesn't know any Spanish," Bruce reminded me.

"I guess you're right," I said back to him.

I didn't want to tell Finney that I love him in Spanish. I want him to be able to understand what I am saying when I tell him.


Bruce stayed at my house for a little longer before he had to leave for baseball practice. After he left, my mom smiled at me as she looked at me.

"So, did you two have fun?" She asked me.

I nodded my head back to her. "You're completely okay with me liking men, right?"

My mother nodded her head back to me. "Of course, hijo. I will always love you," she said.

"I plan on asking Finney out," I told her.

"I'm happy for you, hijo," she said with a kind smile on her face.

"I'm happy too," I told her.

My mom ruffled up my hair before she pressed a short kiss to my forehead. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her quickly.

"Te amo, Robin," my mom said to me.

"Te amo," I said back to her.

My mom let go of me, and told me to go get my boy. My face heated up as I walked out of the front door of our house. I slowly walked to Finney's house, thinking of what I wanted to say to Finney.

When I got to the house, Vance was the one who opened the door.

"What do you want, Arellano?" Vance asked me.

"I'm going to take Finn on a date," I told him.

"Does Finn even know that?" He asked me.

I shook my head back to him. "I'm also going to ask him out too."

Vance nodded his head back to me as he let me into the house. I walked down the hall until I got to a closed door. I gently knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, the door opened. Finney stood there with a confused look on his face until he realized that it was me standing outside of his door.

"Oh, Robin. I didn't know you were coming over," he said.

"yeah, it was kind of a last minute decision," I told him, before gaining courage to ask him if he wants to go out with me. "Hey, would you want to go on a date with me?"

Finney's eyes lit up after I asked him that. He nodded his head back to me, and a smile came onto my face.

"C'mon," I said holding my hand out to him.

Finney grabbed my hand, and walked out of his room. We walked together to the front of the house, and saw Vance smiling at us.

"have him home before eleven," Vance said.

I nodded my head back to him as Finney put his shoes on. Once Finney had his shoes on, we walked out of the house, and started to walk to a field that wasn't too far from us. When we got to the field, Finney and I sat down right beside each other.

I wrapped my arm around Finney's middle as he leaned into my side. We sat in silence for some time, before either of us said anything.

"Why are we here?" Finney asked me.

"I wanted t stargaze with you. I guess I didn't realize that it was so early," I told him.

Finney nodded his head back to me as he placed his head onto my shoulder. I smiled slightly as I pressed a short kiss onto the top of his head.

Words 1249

Te amo: I love you
Hijo: son
Robin, cálmate. Él estará aquí pronto: Robin, calm down. He'll be here soon
Lo sé, mamá, pero estoy nervioso: I know, mom, but I'm nervous

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