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(Robin's pov)

Why did I blush from Finney holding my hand for too long on accident? There was nothing wrong or weird with it. Finn had just zoned out, and didn't realize that our hands were still together.

I tried not to show my confusion around Finney, because I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I don't want Finn to think that I like boys, because I don't.

I only like girls... right?

I walked through the hallways, deep in thought about what had happened in the bathroom, when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going, dipshit," I said to the person.

My eyes widened slightly when I saw that it was Bruce. "Sorry. Didn't realize it was you."

"It's okay, Robin," Bruce said with a smile. "Have you seen Finney or Vance?"

"Finney was in the bathroom down the hall," I told him, holding up the hand Finney had just bandaged for me. "I don't know if he is still in there."

Bruce nodded his head back to me.

"I'm going to go see if he is still in there. I need help with a math problem, and have no idea how to do it," he said.

I nodded my head back to him. Bruce walked past me, and I continued walking through the halls until I got to my locker. I grabbed the stuff I needed out of it, and headed to my class.

I kept thinking about what had happened in the bathroom. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I had blushed at something as simple as Finney and I somewhat holding hands. It wasn't even the first time we have done that.

I knew that I wasn't attracted to boys in any way, but this was weird. Maybe I just found it weird that our hands had been together for so long?

When class started, I didn't pay attention to a single thing the teacher said. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the damn bathroom. I wanted to ask Bruce about it, because he is the easiest to talk to out of all of my closest friends, but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and quietly typed to Bruce.

Can I talk to you during free peirod?

Bruce opened my message a few minutes later, but answered quickly.

Ofc! Where do you want to talk at?

Bathroom or library

I think the bathroom will be the best choice


I turned my phone off after a minute of Bruce not sending anything back to me. I let out a sigh as I stared down at the desk I am currently sitting at. No one sat near me because of the reputation I have at school.

Most people are scared of me for the amount of fights I get into. Some people know that I won't just fight them, unless they insult me or one of my friends. Vance is the same way. He once beat a kid so bad, the kid had lost two teeth, and that was just for the kid insulting Finney.

I happily cheered on Vance silently as I watched him beat the kid up. I would've done the same thing if I was the one who had heard the kids saying that stuff about Finney.


When it got to free period, I quickly walked to the bathroom Bruce and I planned on meeting up in. Bruce was already in the bathroom when I got in there, and he was just sitting on his phone.

"Hey," I said to get his attention.

"Hi," Bruce said back to me. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I think I have feelings for this person, but I am not sure if I really do or not," I told him.

Bruce smiled at me.

"First crush?" He asked.

I shrugged my head. I had no idea what this was.

"When did you start thinking about this person?" He asked me.

"Something happened today, and I blushed at something simple. I have done this thing, with the person multiple times and haven't felt anything at all before," I told him.

"Things change, Robin," he said. "What happened that made you blush?"

"I guess we somewhat held hands," I said.

Bruce nodded his head back to me with a small smile on his face.

"Talk to them about how you feel. That's all I can think of really," Bruce told me.

"I don't want to ruin my friendship with this person," I told him.

"Talking to them most likely won't ruin your friendship with them," he said.

I nodded my head back to him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Bruce said back to me.

I walked out of the bathroom quickly. I had no idea how I was going to talk to Finney about how I feel, even if it isn't anything more than friendly feelings.

Words 830

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