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-mentions of abuse/ abuse wounds
(Vance's pov)

When I heard my phone ring, I wasn't expecting it to be Finney. I especially didn't expect him to ask me to come over. Based off of how he sounded over the phone, I assumed something bad had happened with his dad.

Anger quickly came over me as I told Finney that I would be at his house within the next twenty minutes. I threw on a random pair of jeans, and a white t-shirt before going out to my car.


Once I got to Finney's house, I knocked hard on the door, but not hard enough to scare Finney and Gwen. A few seconds after I knocked, the door opened, revealing Gwen on the other side.

"He's in his room," she said to me.

I nodded my head back to her, quickly slipping off my shoes at the front door before I went to Finney's room. I had no idea which room was his, so I just knocked on each door until I got a response. When I finally got a response from one of the rooms, I quickly opened the door to go into the room.

The first thing I saw when I entered the room, was Finney laying down on his side, facing the door. There was dried tear stains on his cheeks, and he just looked exhausted it general. I slowly walked over to the bed, trying not to scare Finney at all, even though I was pissed at the thought of what his own father must've done to him.

"Did he do anything to you?" I asked him.

Finney nodded his head back to me. Angry filled my body even more now that I knew what I had believed was true. I wanted to punch something out of anger, but instead took a deep breath, so I wouldn't scare Finney.

"Can I see what he did?" I asked him.

Finney nodded his head back to me. He slowly sat up, and turned his back to me. He slowly lifted his sweater up, and I felt sick once I saw his back.

The wounds that I have seen before are still somewhat bad, but slightly healed. The thing that made me more made was the obviously fresh bruises on his back. There were so many bruises, some already super dark, and others slowly turning darker. I had already seen the bruises on his face, they weren't as bad as his back.

"What the fuck did he do to you," I said.

"He was drunk," Finney started. "He wanted to talk to me at first, but then he started rambling on about how I look exactly like my mom, and how I was going to leave him just like her. He was holding onto my jaw while he did that, and then he random slapped me. Once I was on the ground, and started kicking me."

I ran my hand through my hair as Finney told me about what lead to this beating. I knew that I wanted to beat the shit out of his dad right now, but I couldn't do that, because of him not being home.

I sat down on the end of Finney's bed, and placed my hand on his shoulder. Finney turned around, so he was facing me, and just looked at me as I thought about what to say.

"Finney, this isn't okay," I said. "He shouldn't do this to you."

"I know, but we're use to it," he said back to me.

"You and Gwen shouldn't be use to this, no one should!" I said back to him.

"Vance it's been happening for two years, slight longer than that probably," he said.

"Finney, I hate to say this, but if he does anything to you again, I will have to either call the police. Or take things into my own matter," I told him.

Finney looked at me with a scared look. "You can't call the police."

I shut my eyes tightly after he said that. Memories of past fear of the same thing filled my head. It hurt to see the same fear filled face on Finney's face.

"Finney, I never said I would do it, unless he hurts you or Gwen again," I told him.

Finney nodded his head back to me. Although the seemed to calm down slightly from what I told him, I could tell that he still felt scared. It pissed me off that Finney had to be afraid of the police being called for his safety. I think it pisses me off more knowing that he has the same fear I had just a few years ago...


After being at Finney's place for a little while, Finney fell asleep as I sat beside him on his bed. Gwen came into the room a few times, and quietly talked to me, and I talked back to her. At one point, before Finney fell asleep, I made the two siblings both a grilled cheese sandwich.

They both seemed very grateful for the sandwiches, which made me feel good. I found it weird that I let down my "tough guy" act around the two siblings. Maybe it's because I know what really goes on within the walls of their house, or maybe it's because I just simply had a soft spot for them both.

Not long after Finney finished his sandwich, he laid down on his bed, and curled himself up into a ball. I smiled slight as I pulled a blacker on top of the smaller, younger boy. I ran my hand through Finney's hair as he fell asleep.

I couldn't help, but to smile to myself as I watched as the smaller boy fell asleep. I felt a sense of protection fall over myself as Finney slept. I didn't know why I felt this way over Finney.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that I don't want him to experience anymore pain from a man that is meant to care for him. Or maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't want Finney to go through the same thing I have went through.

Words 1026

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