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-heavy child/physical abuse
-mentions of blood
(Finney's pov)

TW child/physical abuse

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I got out of bed quickly, and made my way out into the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen, I covered my mouth with my hand as I watched my father hit his belt down against Gwen's back, and a terrible scream came from her mouth.

"WHY WERE YOU EVEN OUTSIDE?" He yelled, hitting her once again.

"FOR A WALK!" She cried out.

"YOU KNOW THE RULES, GWENY!" He yelled, hitting the belt against her back once again.

"STOP!" Gwen yelled, slowly falling down to the ground.

Our father continued to hit her as she laid on the ground. I rushed over to them, and pulled our father away from Gwen. He looked at me with pure anger in his eyes, and hit me with the belt as soon as he faced me.

The belt ended up hitting my cheek, causing me to scream from being hit in the face with the leather belt.

"WHY DID YOU LET HER OUT? YOU KNOW THE RULES!" He screamed, pushing me so I would turn around.

I didn't dare to fight against my angry father right now, so I just turned my back towards him.

"Shirt off, Finney," he said.

I pulled my shirt over my head, and sat it down on the counter beside me. I intertwined my fingers together, as I slowly waited for the pain to go through my body. Just a few seconds after I intertwined my fingers, my father hit his belt down against my back.

A cry left my mouth from the pain I got from the simple hit. He kept hitting me, over and over again. I was able to feel a liquid coming from the wounds on my back; most likely blood.

I am now screaming my head off out of pain. I could barely stand at this point, and all I wanted to do was to lay down and go back to sleep.

The beating went on for just a few more minutes. Our father yelled at us to never break the rules again, or else the beating would be much worse than this one. Gwen walked with me to my room, and shut the door behind her.

TW child/physical abuse over (still mentions)

"Y-your back is bleeding, Finney," she told me.

"I know," I said back to her, staring at the wall in front of me.

"Do you want me to clean it for you?" She asked me.

I nodded my head slightly. Gwen quietly left my room, and came back a few minutes later with a first aid kit we kept in the bathroom for situations like this. Gwen sat behind me as she cleaned my back off.

From the amount of pain in my back from the beating, I didn't even winch at the rubbing alcohol that got rubbed onto my back. After cleaning my back Gwen wrapped me up in a bandage.

"Try not to sleep on your back tonight," she told me. "It might reopen a cut or a few of them."

I nodded my head back to her as I laid down on my stomach. I looked at Gwen, and saw her looking at me from my door. She had a sad look on her face as she stared at me.

I knew exactly how she felt right now. She felt guilty for the position I am in currently. Once again, I have taken the worst part of her beating, but as her big brother, that is my job.

"I love you, Gwen," I said quietly.

"I love you too, Finney," she said, leaving my room and shutting the door behind her.


When I woke up, I felt so much pain in my back. I slowly got myself into a sitting position, but couldn't force myself to stand just yet. My bedroom door opened after a few minutes, and Queen came into my room.

"How's your back?" She asked me quietly.

"I'm in so much pain," I told her.

"I figured," she said, walking closer to me. "I need to change the bandage and clean the wounds again."

I nodded my head back to her as she grabbed the stuff to clean and rebandage my wounds. Gwen cleaned and rebandaged the wounds quickly. She got off of my bed, and went over to my closet to get me a change of clothes.

"Are you hungry? I'll go get you something to eat if you are," she said.

I shook my head back to her. Gwen nodded her head back to me, before leaving my room. I slowly pulled the sweater over my head and forced my arms into the armholes. I slowly stood up, and pulled my pajama pants down, so I could slowly pull on the jeans Gwen had picked out for me.

Once completely dressed, I slowly walked over to my bedroom door. I opened the door, and slowly walked out into the kitchen. Our father was sitting at the dining table, reading the newspaper. I grabbed my backpack off of the hanger before going to the entrance of our house.

Gwen was waiting for me in there, sitting on the floor. She helped me put my shoes on before we went out of the house to go to school.

"You have a bruise on your face," she told me.

I nodded my head back to her. "Dad hit me in the face last night."

Gwen and I walked in silence for a few minutes, before she spoke again.

"Give me your backpack."

"What, why?" I asked her.

"You're obviously in a lot of pain," she said.

I let out a sigh as I slowly took my backpack off, and handed it to her. I hated the fact that Gwen is right. There was so much pain I felt from just simply walking, and my backpack didn't even help the pain.

When we got to school, Gwen gave me my backpack before she went to elementary school. I slowly walked through the hallway of the high school. I kept my head down as I walked to my locker. I could feel many pairs of eyes on me as I walked through the hallway.

Once at my locker, I slowly grabbed the stuff I needed. When I shut my locker, I saw Bruce standing on the other side of my locker.

"Did you study for the English test today?" He asked me.

I froze from what he had asked. I had no idea there was a test today.

"No," I said back to him.

I could already tell that today isn't going to be a good day...

Words 1104

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