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(Robin's pov)

After sitting outside for a few hours, the sun finally started to set. Finney had fallen asleep on my shoulder for about an hour, which caused me to be very cautious of every movement I made. When he woke up, we went to a grocery store to get a few snacks and drinks.

When we sat back down in the field, Finney still rested his head on my shoulder and stared off as we ate the food we got.

"Is something wrong, amor?" I asked him.

Finney shrugged his shoulders back to me. "I'm just think."

"Do you want to talk about what has you so deep in thought?" I asked him, not wanting to push him too far.

"What if my dad does get away with what happened? He will probably try to come find Gwen and me, and I don't think I could handle being around him again," Finney said.

"Amor, if your dad does get out, Vance and I won't let him take either Gwen or you. Hell, Vance's mom could even adopt you two if she really wanted to," I told him.

"I guess," Finney said softly, "I wish that my mom was still here."

I frowned slightly as I wrapped my arm around Finney's waist, and gently moved him over towards me. I pressed my lips against his temple, and just sat there as I thought of something to say. A few minutes of us sitting in silence, I heard a little sob come from Finney.

I moved away from his temple, and gently placed my hand on the side of his face, so he would look at me. I felt a pain feeling in my chest as I looked at Finney crying. I gently rubbed my thumb against Finney's cheek as he cried. I would even wipe a few of the tears away.

"Finn, what's wrong?" I asked him softly.

"I j-just miss m-my mom s-so much," he said.

I pulled Finney towards me, and carefully sat him on my lap. Finney rested his forehead on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I gently rocked us side to side to try to get Finney to calm down, and after some time, he stopped crying.

Finney stayed on my lap even after he as done crying. I carefully rubbed my hand up and down his back as I listened to his breathing.

"Are you okay now, Finn?" I asked him softly.

He nodded his head back to me. I pressed a short and gentle kiss onto his neck. Finney gently pressed a very short kiss onto my neck a few seconds I did it to him.

Even though I planned on asking Finney to be my boyfriend tonight, I didn't feel like doing it anymore after he broke down like that. I felt like it felt wrong for me to ask him out after he broke down like that. But I also knew that I would push it off for awhile if I didn't do it tonight.

"I know this is a bad time to do this, but can I ask you something?" I asked Finney, quietly.

"You know that you can ask me anything," Finney said back to me.

"I have liked you before our first kiss. I might've not really known it back then, but I know now that I have liked you for awhile," I started. "I know that I want to be with you, but I don't want to make you feel like you have to be with me. I love you, Finney, and I would like to know if you want to be my boyfriend?"

Finney's eyes filled with tears not long after I finished speaking. A wave of fear and anxiety filled me as I looked at him, but it quickly disappeared. Finney pulled me into a kiss, which shocked me at first, but I kissed back a few seconds later.

Once we pulled away from each other, Finney nodded his head back to me.

"I will be your boyfriend," he said.

I smiled up at him, and quickly pressed my lips against his. This time when we pulled away from each other, I rest my forehead against Finney's. We both had our eyes closed as our foreheads touched, and I couldn't keep a smile off my face.

Finney is officially mine. He is my boyfriend, and I will do anything to protect him.

Words 744

Sorry for so many short  chapters and not posting in a few days. I'm currently sick with an ear infection, pink eye, and really bad congestion. When I'm better, I promise to try to upload more, and to write longer chapters.

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