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-mentions of death (implied suicide)
-mentions of alcohol
-slight mentions of abuse
(Finney's pov)

I refused to look at Vance's face after I told him that my father is the one who left the harsh marks on my back. I could tell without looking at him that he is very mad at my father for the stuff he does.

"Does he do this to Gwen too?" Vance asked me.

I nodded my head back to Vance. Vance muttered some stuff under his breath before letting go of me. He reached into his back pocket, and pulled out a pen, before he grabbed my hand, and started to write on it.

"This is my number," he said. "If he ever does anything to you, or Gwen, call me. I will come pick you guys up," Vance said.

"That is unnecessary," I said back to him.

"Bullshit, Finn. I am not going to sit back when I know that one of my friends is being abused at home," he said back to me.

"Please don't tell Bruce or Robin. Definitely not Robin," I pleaded.

I couldn't imagine what Robin would do if he knew about what my father does. Vance shook his head back to me a few seconds after what I had asked him not to do.

"That is something I can't promise," he said back to me.

"At least not Robin, please. I don't want him to do anything he would regret," I said to Vance.

"I promise to not tell Robin, yet," Vance said. "But if you get seriously hurt, I am getting Robin to help me beat the shit out of your father."

I nodded my head back to Vance. He placed his hand on my shoulder gently, and squeezed slightly. I stayed still for a second, shocked at the small action. Vance removed his hand from my shoulder before walking over to the door to the bathroom.

"Be careful, Finn," he said to me.

"I will," I said back to him.


I walked beside Gwen as we headed home. I looked across the road and saw my bullies across the street. One of them called me a rude, homophobic nickname, and I let out a sigh as Gwen looked across the street to them.

"What was that about?" She asked me.

"Nothing," I said back to her.

Gwen doesn't know anything about me being gay, and I planned on keeping it that way for awhile. While we walked, I kept looking around me; something I don't do that often. Gwen skipped a few feet in front of me, but I didn't pay much attention to what she was doing.

"Earth to Finney," Gwen said to me at some point on the way home.

"What?" I asked her.

"You zoned out," she said. "Are you thinking about a girl?"

I shook my head back to her. "No."

"Are you ever going to get a girlfriend?" Gwen asked me.

"I dunno," I said back to her, "when I feel like it."

Gwen kept asking me questions as we walked home. When we finally got home, I wrote Vance's number down onto a piece of paper, and hid it in my room. I sat down on my bed and pulled my spaceship flashlight out of my pocket.

I pushed the button on the top of it, and shined the light onto my bed. I kept doing that for a little while before just staring at the wall across from me. I had space drawings and posters up on my walls, most of them being from my mother.

She always got me new space themed stuff when she found it. Even though we didn't have much extra spending money, she always found a way to get the space things for me. I always smile now when I look at it, happy to have something that reminds me of my mother.

My father didn't like things to be in the house that reminded us of mom. Her death was very triadic, and came quicker than we thought. The only one who could see the signs was my father, and I had learnt what she had done while we sat in the hospital waiting room.

"Finney," Gwen said quietly as she walked into my room.

"W-what?" I asked her, being brought out of my thoughts.

"Dad called. He said that he is going to the bar after work," she said.

I nodded my head back to her. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked her.

"Noodle's," she replied.

I nodded my head back to her. I got up from my head, and headed out to the kitchen. I grabbed all the stuff I needed to make the noodles for Gwen and me.

Once I was done with the food, I sat two plates on the table before calling for Gwen.

"Gwen, c'mon. The food is ready," I said.

Gwen came into the dinning room, and sat across from me at the table. We both started to eat the food I had made in silence. Once we both were done with our food, I took our plates to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Can I go for a short walk?" Gwen asked me.

I looked out the window before answering her.

"Be home in twenty minutes," I told her.

Gwen nodded her head back to me as she grabbed the stopwatch we kept in the kitchen.

"Bye, Finney!" She said as she exited the house.

I smiled to myself as I put away the dishes. Once all the dishes were away, I went to my room, and changed into pajamas. I laid down on my bed, and grabbed the book off of my nightstand.

I read about thirty pages of the book, before my eyes started to get tired. I folded the edge of the page I was on, and sat it back down onto the night stand. My eyes slowly started to shut as I pulled my blanket up and laid on my side.

It didn't even hit me that it had been ten minutes over Gwen's curfew I had given her...

Words 1023

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