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-underage drinking
(Finney's pov)

I sat outside on the steps of my house, waiting to Vance to come pick me up for the party. I am wearing a pair of blue jeans and a simple cream color sweater. Because of this being my first real high school party, I had no idea what to wear.

After a few more minutes of sitting on the stairs to my house, I finally heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked up, and saw Vance's car sitting there. I stood up, and walked over to Vance's car.

Once inside Vance's car, I heard Bruce and Robin arguing over something. I looked at Vance through the review mirror, and saw him roll his eyes.

"If you two don't stop arguing, I will make both of you walk to the damn party," Vance said.

Robin and Bruce both shut up quickly after Vance's threat. I laughed quietly at the two, and slightly shook my head. They both apologized to Vance, and Vance mumbled something out, before he started to car.

Once at the party, I felt my heart slowly speed up. I was extremely nervous to go inside. Robin must've noticed that I am nervous, because he placed his hand on my shoulder, before giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I can stay beside you the whole time, if you want," he said.

I shook my head back to him. "I want you to be able to have fun while we are here."

"I would have fun just hanging out with you," Robin said back to me.

I blushed slightly at Robin's comment. I looked down so be wouldn't be able to see that I was blushing at something he had said. I truly found it sweet that Robin was offering to stay with me during a party, so I wouldn't be completely nervous.

"I don't want people to get the wrong idea," I said back to him, looking away and thinking about what people call me at school.

"If you're talking about people call you at school, I don't give a fuck what they think of me," he said back to me.

"Still, I don't want them to start saying those things about you too," I said back to him.

"I'll beat the shit out of them before they do so," Robin said.

I smiled at him for a second. Robin was never scared of really anything at all, and it surprised me really. I wish that I could be more like Robin; not fear what others think of me, and not be scared to admit who I. not fear what others think of me, and not be scared to admit who I truly am.

Before I could say anything back to Robin, Vance hit the window to get out attention. I jumped, and quickly looked towards the window, before I opened the door.

"Come on, you two," he said. "Let's go into the party."

I nodded my head back to him, before I opened the door, so Robin and I could get out of the car. Once we got out of the car, Vance locked the car door. We all walked into the house, and our ears were filled with loud music.

I looked around the whole room, and saw empty bottles of multiple different alcohol beverages. I took in a deep breath as I thought of my own home. Robin must've noticed me tense up, because he wrapped his hand around my wrist, and pulled me close to himself.

"Listen, Dipshits," he said," I don't give any fucks if you guys drink, but if anyone of you get drunk and puke in my car, I'll be pissed at you."

We all nodded our head back to him. Vance seemed pleased with all of our answers to what he had said. Vance told us that we could go where were we wanted, but to be out on the front porch by eleven, or else we would be stuck at the party until the next morning.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Robin asked me.

I shook my head back to him. Robin looked at me for a second, before he let go of my arm.

"Don't hesitate to come find me," Robin said before we walked away from me.

I took in a deep shaky breath before walking around the party. While walking around, I would apologize for bumping into each person quietly. After about half an hour of being at the party, I started to feel nervous about being around all the people.

I started to look around for Robin, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I went out to the backyard, and found Robin talking to a random guy. I walked over to them, and placed my hand on Robin's should to get his attention.

Robin stopped talking, and looked at me. His face changed after he realized that it was just me.

"What's up, Finn?" He asked me.

"Can we go somewhere more quiet?" I asked him.

Robin nodded his head back to me as he quickly stood up. He grabbed my arm gently, before saying a quick goodbye to the guy he was talking about.

"There's a field not far from here," Robin said.

I nodded my head back to him, deciding not to question how he knows that. After we walked for a little bit, we stopped in basically the middle of the field. I sat down in the grass, and Robin sat down beside me.

We sat in silence for some time. I just stared up at the sky, looking at the stars, and looking to see if there were any constellations in the sky.

"Can I tell you something?" Robin asked me after awhile of sitting in silence.

I looked over at him, and nodded my head back to him.

"I think I like someone," he said.

"Oh, really," I said. "Do I know who she is?"

"That's the problem," Robin said, "it isn't a she."

I looked at him with a shocked look.

"Oh. That's okay," I said back to him.

Robin shooked his head. "I don't think he likes me back."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know if he likes men," he said.

"Who is it?" I asked him, again.

Robin looked at me for a second, before he looked back down.


Words 1059

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