30 (The End)

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(Finney's pov)

~Four Years Later~

Today is the one-week anniversary of Robin, Billy, and me graduating high school, and the first week of summer. Since the day we graduated, we have been hanging out a lot with Bruce, his girlfriend, Vance, and his girlfriend. Gwen and Griffin hung out with us often too, but there was some days that they just wouldn't come with us.

Within the last four years, Robin and I have stayed together the whole time. We have had small fights in the years, but nothing that could ruin our relationship with each other. We love each very much, and make sure to remind each other each and everyday.

Three and a half years ago was when Sarah was officially able to adopt us. As soon as we got told that she was able to, we went to the courthouse, and signed papers, saying that Sarah was going to be Gwen and mines legal guardian. Gwen was the first one to call Sarah 'mom.'.

Gwen had called Sarah 'mom' four months after she adopted us. I called her 'mom' for the first time on Thanksgiving. I was shocked when I had called her mom the first time, but also felt extremely happy to call someone that again.

Vance was still Vance to us. He would jokingly tell us that we had to listen to him when we were at the house without Sarah, because of him being the oldest out of all of us. I had been the first one to openly call Vance our big brother.

When I did call Vance our big brother, for the first time, I had been talking to Robin on the phone. Vance had over heard what I called him, and came into my room to give me hug. He called me his little brother, and I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day after he did that.

The rest of high school wasn't bad. Robin and I faced some hate for being in a relationship with each other, but there was a lot of people who were either nice to us, or just didn't bother us about being together. Matty and his friends gave us shit all the time for being together, but after Robin got in a bad fight with all of them, they stopped messing with us.

Robin started to work in a car mechanic shop a few days ago, while I am waiting for a college letter from our community college. I had decided that I wanted to stay in Denver, and that I didn't want to be far from home. I was going to study science, and didn't know what job I wanted to do after that.

Bruce had gotten a scholarship from baseball, so he planned on becoming a professional baseball player. Vance wasn't going to college at all. As of right now, Vance I working at a grocery store.

He was trying to save up enough money for an apartment for him and his girlfriend. Vance had told me that he was sad to leave our mom, but she would still have Gwen and me, so he felt slightly better about it. He too planned on stay close to home.

"Are you and Robin going to get your own place?" Gwen asked me as we sat at the table with Vance, eating lunch.

"I dunno," I told her as I shrugged. "We're fresh out of high school, and we don't have enough money at all for an apartment. Maybe in a few years."

"Good. I didn't want both of my brothers leaving me long after they graduated," she said as she looked at Vance.

"You like Bailey!" He said. "Why do you care that I'm going to move out. It's going to take well over a year, anyways."

"So! I like living with you guys," she said.

"Gwen you graduate in two years. You'll go to college, and then mom will be alone. Imagine how she'll feel," Vance said.

Gwen rolled her eyes back to Vance. A small smile sat on my lips as we all went silent, and continued to eat our lunch. After we all were done eating, we took our plates to the kitchen, and washed them.


It is currently later in the evening. Robin and I sat on my bed, our knees touching as I had my hands in Robin's hair, his on my sides as our lips moved together. This is how we have spending most evenings of the summer so far.

When we pulled away from each other, Robin kissed my cheek a few times before pulling me onto his lap. I laughed slightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck slightly better.

"I love you so much," Robin whispered to me. "Someday, I am going to marry you. We will start a family, and we will be happy with each other for the rest of our lives."

"I love you too, but you're being sappy," I told him with a little laugh.

"It's what I want with you," Robin told me.

"I want that too," I told him as I pressed a short kiss o to his lips.

We stayed like that for awhile before laying down beside each other. I laid against Robins chest, and he had his arms wrapped around me. In this moment, I never wanted to leave Robins side.

~Six Years Later~

"Odette, come downstairs," I called for Robin and my four year old daughter.

Odette came running down the hall, and when she got to me, she wrapped her arms around my legs.

"Daddy, I had fun with papa!" She told me.

I smiled at her as I bent down to pick her up. I sat Odette on my hip as I walked further into the house.

"Where is papa?" I asked her.

"He doing laundry," she told me.

I nodded my head back to her as I walked into the living room to sit Odette down. After sitting her down, I walked to the laundry room. When I stepped in, I saw Robin sitting on the ground, separating all of our clothes into piles before folding them.

"Hi, love," I said to him as I sat down beside Robin on the floor.

"Hello, amor," he said back to me as he pressed his lips against mine. "How was your day?"

"Long," I told him.

Robins job didn't make him work everyday of the week like mine did. The days that Robin didn't work, he stayed home with Odette. He would most weekends, and I didn't, so I always watched Odette on the weekends.

Five years ago, Robin and I got married. A few months after getting married, we decided to start looking into adopting. The very first baby we had met was Odette.

She was just barely two months old when we signed the papers to adopt her. Within the last four years, Odette has grown a lot. She is very smart for her age.

Odette is able to count high, she knows a few shapes and colors, and she even knows a little Spanish from Robin. Robin and I are very proud of how much Odette has grown in the years.

Vance and Bailey had gotten married just two years ago. They are expecting their first child, which will be born in the next five months. Bruce and his girlfriend are still dating. Bruce has thought about proposing to her multiple times, but has chickened out each time.

Gwen graduated high school the year after Robin and I. She is currently attending college to be able to help kids who are going, or have gone through the same thing we had went through with our father. When she told me about her job choice, I felt very happy to hear what she picked.

Billy and Griffin moved to a town two hours away from us, so none of us really knew how they were. They always come down for holidays and birthdays, but besides that, we don't hear from them that much.

To say the least, the last ten, eleven years have been the best years of my life. I have been the happiest I have ever been, and I found the true love of my life. I truly could never ask for a better life then I have now.

Words 1394

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