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(Finney's pov)

~A Month Later~

Today is Christmas eve. Vance, Gwen, Sarah, and I had decorated the house two weeks ago after Sarah had taken us to the store to get a tree and the decorations we needed. I was very happy to decorate the house for Christmas, and I could tell that Gwen was very happy to decorate too.

We haven't decorated a house since our mother was alive. Christmas had been our mothers favorite holiday, and after her death, our father refused to decorate for it. He said that it would bring back memories of her, and he didn't want anything to remind him of her.

Speaking of our father, there had been a trial three weeks ago, but neither Gwen and I attended it. An officer came to the house a few days after the trial to tell us that our father had fifteen years in prison for child and domestic abuse, and after he got out, he would have to spend four months in a rehab center for his addiction to drinking alcohol.

It shocked me at first to hear how long he had, but after I was very relieved to hear that I would never have to see him again. Gwen was happy right away when we got told about how long our father had.

Back to today, Bruce, Robin, and the two boys from the hospital are coming over today for a small Christmas party. Bruce had seen Billy one day on his way to baseball practice, and because of Bruce being super friendly, he started to talk to Billy more and became friends with Billy, which lead him to become friends with Griffin too.

We all started to hang out together, and we became a group of friends. We all hung out most weekends, and after school most nights.

"When is everyone getting here?" I asked Vance as I sat a bowl down on the coffee table.

"Bruce is picking Billy and Griffin up. I don't know when your boyfriend is getting here," Vance said.

I rolled my eyes back to him as I headed back into the kitchen to grab more stuff. When I walked back into the kitchen, I saw Sarah and Gwen cooking together. I smiled as I grabbed the last two bowls of snacks on the counter.

After sitting the bowls down on the coffee table, the door bell rung. I walked over to the door, and looked in the peephole before opening the door. A smile grew on my face as I saw Bruce, Billy, and Griffin on the other side of the door.

"Hey guys. Come in, come in," I said, opening the door more, so they could come inside.

They all took off their shoes and coats in the entrance of the house. Bruce smiled at me as he wrapped his free arm around my shoulders.

"How are you, Finney?" Bruce asked me.

"I'm good," I told him.

Bruce nodded his head back to me, before looking down at the presents in his hands.

"Where do you want these?" He asked me.

"In the living room," I told him.

Bruce, Billy, and Griffin all went into the living room to put the presents they brought under the tree. I stayed in the entrance of the house, hoping that there would be a knock on the door, and for Robin to get here. After standing there for a few minutes, I let out a sigh as I walked back to the living room.


Half an hour later, there was another knock on the door. Sarah went to answer the door, and I just sat still on my the couch. I heard footsteps coming into the living room and thought nothing of it until a pair of arms wrapped their arms around me.

I jumped slightly before turning around to see who was behind me. A smile came onto my face when I saw that it was Robin.

"Hola mi amor," Robin said as he pressed his lips on my temple.

"Hello," I said back to him.

Robin let go of me, and came around the couch to sit beside me. There wasn't much space on the couch I am in, because of Vance and Gwen also sitting me me. I stood up so Robin could sit down, and I sat down in his lap.

We have been dating for a little over a month, and didn't mind doing stuff like this in front of our friends. Our friends didn't mind when we were lovey with each other, but we were never tried to be too touchy with each other in front of them.

Robin wrapped his arms around my waist after I sat down on his lap. I smiled as Robin pulled me against his chest, and pressed light kisses on my neck.


We all sat in the living room for about an hour before opening the presents we got for each other. Vance and I had to share the presents we had gotten for our friends, because of me not having the money to buy them presents. I did get Robin a present, but it had cost almost all of the money I had.

"This is from me," I told Robin as I handed him the present I got him.

"Aww, thank you bebé," Robin said as he took the small present from me.

Robin slowly unwrapped the present, and I watched as a smile came onto Robins face. He held up the cd case to the newest album from his favorite artist. Robin wrapped his arms around me as he pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, amor. I really appreciate it," he told me.

"I'm glad," I told him.

After everyone finished opening their gifts, Robin handed me one last box.

"This one is from all of our friends and me," Robin told me before I opened the present.

I looked around at everyone, and saw all of them smiling at me. I slowly pulled the paper off of the gift. A gasp escaped my mouth as I looked at what was in my hands.

All of my friends had gotten me a phone. For the first time in my whole life, I now own my own phone.

"Thank you, guys," I said to them, still in shock.

They all said 'you're welcome' back to me.


Not long after we had finished opening presents, we all went to the table to eat. After eating, Bruce took Billy, Griffin and himself home. Robin and Vance helped me set up my phone before Robin had to leave. I had stood in the entrance of the house with Robin for almost ten minutes before he went out to his uncles car.

"Finney, Gwen. Can you guys come into the living room, please?" Sarah said as I started to walk back into the living room.

She was sitting on the couch with Vance, an envelope sitting on her lap as she held Vance's hand. Gwen and I sat down on the chairs in the living room. Both of our attentions being completely on Sarah.

"I have put some thought into this, and I'm finally sure that I wanted to do this, but it's completely up to you two," Sarah started as she sat the envelope on the coffee table.

Gwen picked up the envelope, but just sat it on her lap as Sarah started to talk again.

"I want to adopt you two. Those are the papers that need signed before it's official," she told us.

I looked over at Gwen with a shocked look, and saw her looking at me with a shocked look too. I wanted Sarah to adopt us. Within the month and an half we have lived with her, Sarah has been the best parent figure in our lives.

We both obviously love and care for Sarah, so it only made sense to me.

Gwen and I looked over to Sarah again, and both of us nodded our heads back to her.

"We would love to be adopted by you," Gwen said.

Words 1359

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