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-mentions of underage drinking
-implied homophobia
(Finney's pov)

I looked at Robin with a shocked look. I couldn't believe what he had just said to me.

"Like I said," Robin said. "I think I like you, but I'm not sure. I'm so confused."

I placed my hand on his back in a comforting way. A small smile came onto my face as I thought about what had happened in the bathroom. I've known that I might have feelings for Robin since what happened in the bathroom earlier this week, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable with saying anything about it.

"Robin," I said quietly. "Can I tell you something?"

Robin nodded his head slowly back to me. He still didn't look at me, but I didn't care much.

"I'm gay."

Robin looked at me after I said that. He had a slightly confused looked on his face.

"How long have you known?" He asked me.

"Awhile," I said back to him.

"Why are you just now telling me?" He asked.

"I was nervous of your judging me for being gay," I told him.

"I would never judge you, Finn. You're my best friend," he said. "Does Vance and Bruce know?"

I nodded my head back to him. "It was on accident that they found out, though."

Robin nodded his head back to me. For the first time since we got out in the field, Robin looked over at me. Our eyes met, and neither of us broke it.

I realized that as we were looking at each other, we both were slowly moving in closer to the other. I could feel my heart beat speed up the closer we got closer to each other. Robin moved closer to me, and placed his hand on my side.

My breath hitched for a second, not expecting Robin to touch me. I placed my hand on his shoulder as soon as there was only about an inch between us. Robin stopped moving closer to me once there was a very little amount of space between us.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, his voice barely audible.

I nodded my head back. "Yes."

Right after I replied, Robin pressed his lips against mine. A few seconds into the kiss, I started to kiss back. I was very shocked that I am kissing Robin.

We pulled away from each other after about ten seconds. Robin rested his forehead against mine, and I just sat there, with my eyes shut, thinking about what had just happened.

"Can we do that again?" I asked him quietly.

Robin nodded his head back to me, before pressing his lips against mine. This kiss was different from the first one. The first kiss was both of us being completely nervous, but this one, we both have an idea of what it is like now.

While we were kissing, I heard footsteps in the distance, but didn't think anything of it, until I heard some voices.

"Matty, come on, asshole!" One of the voices said.

I broke away from Robin as soon as I heard that, and looked behind us. For a second, I saw two people running away, and I started to panic slightly. I completely moved away from Robin, and rested my face in my hands.

"Hey, are you okay, amor?" He asked me.

"Did you not just hear them?" I asked, on the verge of tears.

"I did, but I don't know why you're so worried," Robin said.

"Robin, what if they saw us!" I said. "If they spread that, all of the people at school will know, and my dad might find out!"

"What's wrong with your dad finding out?" Robin asked me, now having a concerned look on his face.

"I don't think he supports people loving the same gender as them," I lied, even though it is not completely a lie.

My dad has complained about people liking the same gender for awhile now, and I always stay quiet when he does that. It hurt to know how my dad felt about gay people, because of me being gay.

Robin placed his hand on my shoulder, and pressed his lips against my cheek.

"I'll protect you from that hijo de puta," he said.

I smiled slightly at Robin, but shook my head right after.

"I don't need you to protect me from my own father," I told him.

"I know, but I'm always willing to fight someone off for you," he said.

I looked at Robin, and gently pressed my lips against his for a few seconds. When we pulled away from each other, Robin's phone started to go off. He pulled it out of his pocket, and saw that Vance was calling him.

"What do you want, Vance?" Robin asked.

I couldn't hear what Vance was saying, but based on how Robin was reacting while talking to him, I guess Vance is angry.

"Okay, we'll be there soon. Give us like twenty minutes," Robin said, before hanging up the phone, and putting it back in his pocket.

"Bruce is supposedly drunk, and Vance is ready to go home now," he told me.

I nodded my head back to him. Robin stood up, and held his hand out for me to grab. I smiled as I grabbed his hand, and Robin helped me stand up.

"I'm guessing that you'll want to keep what happened in the field a secret?" Robin said to me.

I nodded my head back to him. "Only for a little bit. You said that you're confused with everything, so I don't want to make you feel like you have to label yourself with anything specific yet."

Robin looked at me with a soft smile.

"God, you're too good for this world," he said quietly.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You're just too nice," he said.

I blushed from what he said. Robin gently squeezed my hand as we walked. Once we got to the house, we let go of each others hand; not wanting anyone at the party to see us.

Once we got to Vance's car, Robin got in the front seat, and I got in the back with Bruce.

"That was longer than twenty minutes, Arellano," Vance said.

Robin hummed back to Vance in response. I shook my head as Vance cussed under his breath at Robin. Bruce leaned his head on my shoulder as he drunkenly mumbled about nonsense.

Bruce was the first one to be dropped off. Bruce had fallen asleep on my shoulder, so Vance had to carry him inside. Robin was the second one to get dropped off. Once Robin got out of the car, I moved up into the front seat beside Vance.

"Did you tell him?" Vance asked me.

"Tell him what?" I asked him.

"That's you're gay," Vance said.

I nodded my head back to him.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"He's okay with it," I said.

I wasn't going to tell Vance about what happened in the field, until Robin was ready for people to know.


When we got to my house, I thanked Vance for driving me home. He mumbled out a 'you're welcome' before telling me to be careful.

"Remember to call me if that bastard of a father tries to do anything to you," Vance said to me.

I nodded my head back to him, before exiting the car. Once inside of my house, I went to my room to change into more comfortable clothes to sleep in. Once in my bed, I couldn't stop smiling as I thought about what had happened in the field.

Words 1263

Amor- love
Hijo de puta- son of a bitch

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