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(Finney's pov)

When we got to Robin's house, his mom and uncle weren't home yet. We took our shoes off at the front door, before going to sit in the living room together. Robin and I sat close together as we watched the random movie that we agreed on.

Robin and I were holding each others hand. Robin was rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand, while I kept looking at his face. I had a very strong urge to kiss Robin, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable with just doing it without asking.

"Robin," I said softly.

"Yes, amor?" He asked me.

"C-can I kiss you?" I asked him, looking down.

Robin placed his hand on the side of my face, and used his thumb to make me look up at him. He gently pressed his lips against mine, and I quickly kissed back. A few seconds into the kiss, I pressed my hand against Robin's neck to pull him closer to me.

We broke away from each other after fifteen seconds. Both of us breathing slightly heavy. I gently laid my forehead against Robin's, and he smiled at me as he placed his other hand on my waist.

Robin gently pressed a short kiss to my lips, before kissing my cheek right after. I smiled slightly as my hand slowly played with Robin's hair. We sat close together for Minton end.

Neither of us said anything to the other. All we did was simply stare at each other, I played with Robin's hair, and he gently kissed around my face. The only thing that got us to move away from each other was Robins uncle coming into the house.

"Hola, Finney and Robin," Robins uncle said to me as he headed into the kitchen.

"Hello," I said back to him.

"Hola tío," Robin said back to his uncle.

Robin and I were sitting somewhat far away from each other when his uncle sat down on the couch. Robin and his uncle talked in Spanish to each other, and I just stared down at my hands as I listened in confusion to their conversation.

After an hour or so, Robin's mom came home. She said a quick 'hello' before she started to cook dinner. I stayed for dinner, and helped clean up after.

Robin and I stood on the porch before I was about to leave.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to walk you home, or have my uncle drive you?" Robin asked me as he held my hands.

I nodded my head back to him. "I'll be alright walking home."

Robin nodded his head back to me. He looked over his shoulder quickly before pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was short, but sweet, and I smiled into the kiss.

"Be careful, amor," he told me after we pulled away from each other.

"I will," I said back to him.

Robin let go of my hands, and I walked down the stairs of the porch. I waved at Robin as I walked away from his house. After walking for a little while, I noticed a black van slowly following me.

I picked up my speed as I walked, not wanting the van to get too close to me. The van ended up pulling up beside me, and rolled down its window.

"Do you need a ride home?" A man asked me.

"No, I don't. Thank you though," I said back to him.

"Are you sure? I have no problem with it," the man said.

"I'm very sure," I said back to him, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Alright," the creepy man said.

The van speed up slightly, and I slowed down. Once I saw the van turn in the opposite way I needed to go, I let out a breath of relief. I walked quickly the rest of the way to Vance's house, and looked behind me to make sure the van wasn't there.

When I finally got back to the house, I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me. I took my shoes off at the front door before walking to my room. While I was walking to my room, I saw Vance sitting in the living room, watching television.

"Hi, Vance," I said.

"Hey, Finn," he said back to me. "Did you have fun at Robin's?"

"Yeah," I said, my face heat up as I thought about all Robin and I had done while I was over there.

Vance smiled at me as he looked back to the television.

"Glad to hear that," he said.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight," I told him

"Goodnight, Finn," Vance said back to me.

I walked into my bedroom, and quietly shut the door behind me. A smile came onto my face as I thought about Robin and what we did while at his house. I quickly changed into my pajama's before climbing into my bed, and covering myself with my blanket.

I ended up falling asleep a lot quicker then I thought I would. I fell asleep within a few minutes of my head being on my pillow. While I slept, I dreamt of a future with Robin and I.

Even though I knew that there was a chance of Robin and I never having a future like I am dreaming about, I still hope that we will have it.

Words 897

Hola: hello
Hola, tío: hello, uncle
Amor: love

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