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-mentions of abuse wounds
(Finney's pov)

By lunch, I could barely keep up with anything. My back was in so much pain, to the point I had to go to the nurses office, because I "didn't feel well". I had also failed my English test, which I knew would make my father very angry at me when he found out.

Vance kept looking at me whenever he could. I tried to act normal around him, so he wouldn't expect me to be in any pain, but it was really hard to fake being fine. Bruce and Robin somehow haven't picked up on me being in pain at all, even though they have been around me all day.

"Hey, Finn. What happened to your cheek?" Robin asked me.

"I fell while walking home last night," I lied to him.

I looked at Vance, and saw him staring at me. It was obvious that he didn't believe me, because he knew what happened behind closed doors.

"It wasn't Matty and them, was it? You know that I can take care of those perras for you if you ever need me to," he said.

I shook my head back to him. "It wasn't them. I just wasn't paying attention, and tripped over a rock."

"No ground leaves a mark like that," Vance said quietly, so only I could hear it.

I looked over at him with a scared look. If he had said that any louder, Robin or Bruce might've heard him, and I don't want all my friends to find out my family secret in two days.

"There's a party going on this weekend," Bruce said, changing the subject as soon as it got tense between us all.

"Who is throwing it?" Vance asked.

"Some kid in your grade," Bruce said. "I thought we all could go to it."

"When is it?" I asked him.

"Friday or Saturday. He isn't completely sure yet. He told us that we would know for sure on Thursday," Bruce said.

Robin and Vance agreed to it quickly. Me on the other hand did not. I told them that it depended on what night it was on, but didn't tell them why that mattered so much.

Every Friday Gwen goes to her friends house to spend the night. If it is on Friday, I would go and try to spend the night with either Robin or Bruce. If it was on Saturday night, I would most likely not go, so I can stay with Gwen to make sure she doesn't get hurt.


Once school was over, I could barely walk without being in a huge amount of pain. Gwen held my backpack as we walked home, which caused me to feel really bad for making her carry it for me. She said multiple times that she was perfectly fine with carrying my bag for me, because of all I do for her.

When we got home, I simply just sat down on the floor in the living room. Gwen took my shoes off for me before laying a blanket down beside me. I stared out the window for a few minutes.

"Gwen," I said, looking back at her.

"What?" She asked me.

"There's a party my friends want to go to. It's on either Friday or Saturday. Would you be fine on Saturday staying here by yourself?" I asked her.

"I could stay at Susie's for that night too," she said. "Are you going to stay with one of your friends?"

I nodded my head back to her. I still wasn't sure if I even wanted to go to the party or not. Gwen will most likely try to talk me into going to the party.


When our dad got home, he surprisingly made us something for dinner. We all sat in an uncomfortable silence as we ate; Gwen and I knowing not to be too loud around our father. He asked us a few questions about our days, and we answered them in short answers.

After dinner, Gwen and I cleaned up as our father went to the living room with a bottle of vodka. We kept quiet the whole time cleaning up. Once everything was put away, Gwen and I went to our rooms to do whatever we wanted.

I decided to work on the homework I have to finish. Once done with my work, I put all my school stuff back into my backpack. I slowly stood up from my bed, so I could walk over to my dresser.

I pulled out a pair of loose sweatpants, and an oversized shirt Robin had given me. The shirt had gotten too small on Robin, but surprisingly was slightly too big for me, even though I am two inches taller than Robin. I didn't complain about the shirt being big. It smells like Robin, bringing me a sense of comfort.

As I waited for the water to warm up in the shower, I looked at my back in the body length mirror. The skin on my back was red from my blood, bruised badly, and obviously wounded from something you used to whip someone with. I gently ran my finger against one of the wounds, and let out a sigh as a tingle of pain shot down my back.

I moved my hand away from my back, and finished undressing, so I could get into the shower. I winched as soon as the hot water hit my back. The wounds that littered my back burned, and tears filled my eyes from the pain.

After standing under the water for a few minute, it didn't hurt as much to be under the water. I quickly wash my body and hair, before getting out of the shower. Once I got dressed in the clothes I had picked out, I quickly brushed my teeth, so I could get out of the bathroom.

Once back in my room, I laid down on my bed, and covered myself with the blankets. Not long after laying down, I fell asleep.

Words 1016

Perras: bitch

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