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(Finney's pov)

Today is the day that I am finally leaving the hospital. Robin had left the hospital last night for a few hours, and when he came back, he had brought me some clothes for today. It made me very happy that he had done that for me.

Right now, Gwen and I are waiting for Vance and his mom to get us. Gwen was telling me a story about something that happened at school the day before, but I barely listened to what she said. I mostly paid attention to the fact that the clothes I am currently wearing weren't any of the clothes I owned.

They all are Robins. It made me feel special to wear his clothes. I had no idea why I felt so special for just wearing his clothes. It isn't like Robin and I are a couple, or anything like that. We're just friends...

"Finney, can I ask you something?" Gwen asked me.

"Sure," I said back to her.

"Are you and Robin dating?" She asked me.

I felt my face heat up as I looked at her.


"You two have just been really touchy with each other, and it made me start to think you two are together," she told me.

"We're not dating," I told her.

"You know I won't judge you if you two are dating right? I also accept you for being gay, if what dad was calling you is true," she said.

I nodded my head back to her. "I am gay."

Gwen wrapped her arms around me, and rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, and rested my head on top of her head.

"Just so you know, this doesn't change anything. You're still the same big brother you were before," she told me.

I smiled as I nodded my head against hers. I felt good knowing that Gwen didn't think of me differently now that she knows about me being gay.

"Do you like anyone?" She asked me as soon as we pulled away from each other.

I felt my face heat up as I slowly nodded my head back to her.

"Who?" Gwen asked me, a big smile on her face.

"I don't have to tell you that," I told her.

"Oh come on!" She said, holding out the end of her sentence.

I laughed as I gently pushed her away slightly.

"Maybe one day I will tell you," I told her.

"Can I try to guess?" She asked.

"Sure," I said back to her.


My face heated up right after she said that. A knowing smile came onto Gwen's face right after that. I looked down at my lap, so Gwen won't be able to see the blush on my face.

"You do like him!" She said,

"Shut up," I said, pushing her once again.

"I don't care, Finney. I think it's cute. It's like one of those love stories," she told me.

I smiled slightly at that. I thought about living a very happy life with Robin. I imagined us growing old together and having a family.

It shocked me that I was thinking of having that stuff with Robin. Would he even want that stuff with me? Does Robin even want to be with me in that way?

Before I knew it, Gwen was shaking me to get my attention. I slowly looked over to her. I had no idea how long I had been staring for.

"Vance and his mom are here," she told me.

I nodded my head back to Gwen, right before standing up. We walked out of my room, a d went to the lobby of the hospital. Vance and his mom stood at the front desk, Vance's mom was talking to the guy working at the front desk.

Once we got over to them, I gently poked Vance in his arm. He looked over towards me with an angry look at first, but when he realized that it was just me, the look disappeared. Vance placed his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Good. The doctors gave me some pain medicine when I woke up this morning, and I haven't felt any pain since," I told him.

"That's good," Vance said.

Vance's mom looked over to Gwen and me, and wrapped her arms around both of us for a few seconds before she looked back to the front desk. She signed some papers for me to be released from the hospital. Right after the papers were signed, we all headed out to the car.

Vance and his mother got into the front two seats while Gwen and I got in the back.

"Are you two hungry?" Vance's mom asked us.

Gwen said yes, while I just shrugged my head back to her. She told us that we were going to stop to get food, and if I didn't want anything, it was perfectly okay. When we got to the place we were getting food at, I ended up not getting anything.

I wasn't too hungry at the moment, and I didn't want Vance's mother to spend a lot of money on me.

"I have no idea if you two are ready to do this, but we planned on stopping at your old home to get some stuff for your rooms. Whenever you two are ready, we can go get the stuff," she told us.

"I'm ready," Gwen said as she looked over at me.

I nodded my head back to her. "I'm ready too."


When we got to the house, we all slowly headed inside. Gwen went straight to her room, while I looked towards the kitchen. Vance came up to me, and gently put his hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon," he said. "Lets go get your stuff quickly."

I nodded my head back to him as we walked towards my old bedroom. I held my breath as I placed my hand on the doorknob. Vance placed his hand on my shoulder again.

I slowly opened the door, and looked around my room. It looked exactly the same as it did when I had last seen it.

"Do you have any extra bags you can put stuff into?" Vance asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. "There should be one in the closet."

Vance walked over to my closet and opened it. He pulled out one of my old backpacks, and sat it down on my bed. I shoved some of my clothes into the backpack before putting some of my space related stuff inside.

The last thing I put into the backpack was my rocket ship flashlight. After everything was packed up, I zipped up the backpack, and picked it up. Vance had my school bag with him as we walked out of my bedroom.

Gwen and Vance's mom waited out in the living room for us. Vance's mom looked at Vance and me.

"Do you have everything?" She asked me softly.

I nodded my head back to her. "Yes ma'am."

"You don't need to call me that, honey," she said. "Call me Sarah."

I nodded my head back to her. We walked out to the car, and put all of Gwen's and my stuff in the trunk of the car. Once everything was put away in the car, Sarah drove us to her house.

I couldn't stop bouncing my leg up and down out of nervousness. I was scared that I was going to mess up while living with Vance and his mom, and they won't want me anymore.

Words 1276

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