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(Robin's pov)

After spending some more time in the field, Finney and I started to head back to his house. Finney walked right beside me as we held hands. A small smile has been on my face since Finney agreed to be my boyfriend.

It really shocked me that Finney is officially my boyfriend. I am so happy that Finney had agreed to be my boyfriend.

"Robin?" Finney said quietly.

"What?" I asked him.

"Can you stay the night?" Finney asked me.

"If you want me to," I told him.

Finney nodded his head back to me. I gently squeezed his hand as we walked. When we got back to Finney's house, it was ten thirty.

"I didn't actually expect you guys to be here before eleven," Vance said when we walked through the door.

"Finn is tired," I said. "I'm going to stay over tonight. Is that alright?"

"Sure, just don't be too loud you two," Vance said.

I saw Finney's face turn bright from his comment, and he hid his face in the crook of my neck. I flipped Vance off as I walked Finney to his room. Once in Finney's room, I shut the door behind us.

I walked up to Finney, and placed my hands on his waist to slowly pulled him closer to me. Finney had a small smile on his face as he placed his hands on my shoulders. We just stared at each other as we held onto each other.

"Eres tan guapo," I told him.

"What does that mean?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders back to him as a small smile came onto my face when I saw Finney pouting back to me. I pulled Finney closer to me, and pressed my lips against his. Finney's hands slowly made their way into my hair as we kissed.

When we pulled away from each other, Finney rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can we please lay down? I'm tired," he said.

"Of course, amor," I said back to him.

Finney climbed into his bed first, and I climbed in right after him. Finney turned to face me, and rested his forehead against my chin. A small smile came onto my face as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

I placed my lips against his forehead, and rubbed my hand up and down his back. Finney gently drew shapes on my chest as his eyes slowly fell shut. I kept rubbing my hand up and down his back until Finney was fast asleep.

About an hour after Finney fell asleep, his bedroom door opened. I looked behind me, and saw Vance and Gwen standing there.

"Shit. Didn't think you were still awake," Vance told me.

"Finn is asleep," I said quietly so I wouldn't wake Finney, but loud enough that Vance and Gwen heard me.

"Are you two together now?" Gwen asked me.

I felt my face heat up slightly as I looked down at Finney. I looked back to Vance and Gwen and nodded my head back to them.

"Yes, we are," I told him.

"I'm happy for you, but if you hurt my brother, I will beat the shit out of you myself," Gwen said.

I smiled and laughed slightly as I nodded my head back to her.

"I promise that I won't do anything to hurt him. I promise. I care about Finn too much," I told Gwen.

"Good," she said.

Gwen and Vance shut the door not long after that. Vance had told Gwen that they should go, so Finney doesn't wake up, and so I could go to sleep. Once the door was shut, I turned my head back to Finney, and pressed my lips against his forehead once again.

"I love you so much, amor," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," Finney slurred out ad he cuddled up against me even more.

I smiled as I tightened my grip around Finney. I rested my face in his hair as I closed my eyes to fall asleep. Not too long after I cuddled up with Finney, I fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, there was a weight on my chest. At first, I slightly freaked out, but once I was a little more awake, I realized that it was just Finney. Memories from last night filled my head, but the main one was that Finney and I are officially boyfriends.

I smiled as I pressed a short kiss onto Finney's forehead. Once I pulled away from the kiss, I started to play with the strands of hair that fell in front of Finney's face. After a few minutes of me playing with Finney's hair, he woke up.

Finney smiled at me before he said a quiet hello. I smiled as I said a quick hello back to him. I pressed my lips against Finney's forehead for a few seconds before pulling away from him.

"What time is it?" Finney asked me.

I unwrapped one of my arms from around Finney, and reached it into my pocket. I pulled my phone out my phone, and saw that it was a little after nine in the morning.

"A little after nine," I told him.

Finney's eyes widened slightly when I told him the time. He sat up, but I pulled him back down with my arm.

"Stay here," I said as I pulled him close to myself.

"Robin, I need to get up," he said.

"What for?" I asked him.

"I don't ever sleep in this late. It doesn't feel right to still be in bed this late," he told me.

"Well, I think we get to stay like this," I told him, a small smile coming onto my face as I moved slightly closer to Finney's face.

"And why is that?" Finney asked me as he too moved in closer.

"We have been dating for about twelve hours," I told him.

"So laying in bed together is our celebration for being boyfriends for twelve hours?" Finney asked me.

I nodded my head back to him as I pressed my lips against his. Finney placed his hand on the side of my face, and gently grabbed some of my hair as we kissed. I placed my hand on his side, rubbing my hand slowly up and down his back.

The kiss lasted for about fifteen seconds, and then we pulled away from each other. Finney rested his head against my chest as he still played with my hair. I smiled to myself as I rolled onto my back.

Finney still rested his head on my chest, but instead of facing each other, Finney now was laying against my side. He removed his hand from my hair, and just let his hand lay beside his head on my chest. I still rubbed my hand up and down Finney's back as we laid like this.

A smile sat on my lips as I looked down at Finney's head. I felt so happy right now having Finney against my side. I hoped to stay in this moment with Finney for the rest of my life.

Words 1190

I am sad to say this, but this story is going to be coming to an end within the next four to six chapters. There will be a few big time skips, so I can add the things I want to be added to the story before it is over. I have had an amazing time writing this, and hope you guys have enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Have a good day/night :)

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