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-mentions of past/present abuse
-mentions of self harm
(Finney's pov)

When I woke up, my whole body felt heavy. I tried opening my eyes, but quickly shut them because of the room being so bright. After blinking a few times, my eyes finally adjusted to the bright lights, and I could keep them open.

I looked around the room I was in, and realized that I am in a hospital room. I tried to get myself into a sitting position, but a sharp pain con through my body as I did so. I winched out in pain as I placed a hand on part of the area that hurt.

A few minutes later, a doctor came into the room. He looked at me with a kind smile as he slowly walked closer.

"It's good to see that you are finally awake!" He said.

"H-how long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Almost four hours," the doctor said back.

I was shocked to hear how long I had been out for.

"You have some people in the waiting room who have been waiting some time to see you. Would you like for me to send them in?" The doctor asked me.

I nodded my head back to him. The doctor smiled at me as he said a quickly 'okay' before leaving the room. I thought about who all could have came to see me.

I knew for a fact that Bruce, Vance, and Gwen were going to be here to see me. I really hoped that Robin wasn't here. If he is, that means that he finally figured out about the abuse.

I quickly thought about Bruce after that. He also had found out about the abuse today. I kept thinking about that until the door opened.

When I looked at the door, I saw Gwen and Robin walking in front of Vance and Bruce. Two more boys that I didn't recognize walked into the room behind Vance and Bruce. Bruce must've noticed that I saw the two boys, because he started to explain why they were here too.

"They're waiting to see someone else here. They don't have an adult with them, so we invited them to come with us to see you," he said.

I nodded my head back to him as I slowly raised my hand to wave at the two boys. They waved back at me, before going to sit down on the chairs in my room. Gwen came over to me, wrapped her arms around me, and laid her head on my shoulder.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her, and gently rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"I was so scared," she said.

"I'm okay," I said back to her.

Gwen still hugged me as I looked up at all my friends. They all had similar looks of anger and guilt on their faces.

"How long had that been going on for?" Bruce asked me quietly.

"Since our mom died," I told him.

Bruce slowly nodded his head back to me as he looked towards the ground. Robin sat down on the edge of my bed, and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"How are you feeling, Mi amor?" He asked.

"I'm okay," I said back to him.

Robin nodded his head back to me as he gently squeezed my shoulder. The doctor entered the room not long after that.

"I think it's important to say this now, as there is no guardian for Finney here. Finney has three broken ribs, five fractured ribs, and fourteen stitches for two deep wounds," the doctor said.

I looked down slightly after the doctor started to explain my injuries. The broken and fractured ribs make a lot of sense for why I was in pain when I tried to get up.

"We have been trying to contact his father, but no one is picking up," the doctor said.

"His father won't be able to come here," Vance said.

The doctor gave Vance a knowing look as he wrote something down on the paper clipped to the clipboard.

"Is there anyone who can serve as the spot of a guardian?" The doctor said.

"My mom," Vance said.

"My uncle," Robin said, at the same time as Vance.

They both gave the doctor the people they named numbers, and the doctor thanked them before leaving the room.

"What happened to you, man?" One of the boys asked as soon as the doctor left.

"Billy! You can't ask that!" The other boy said.

"It's okay," I said quietly. "I got beat up."

I didn't feel like being specific on who had beaten me up. Billy nodded his head back to me as a frown came onto his face. Gwen looked up at me with a sad look, before she held onto my tighter.


A few hours later, the two boys, which I learnt were Billy and Griffin, left to go to Griffin's mothers room. Bruce's parents wanted him home, so they came to pick him up, and took Gwen to Susie's house. Vance and Robin were the last two in the room with me now.

Robin laid in the bed with me, while Vance sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Finney," Vance said quietly.

I looked over at him, and hummed, so he knew that I was listening. Vance didn't look up at me, he just stared down towards the blanket on the bed.

"I want to tell you why I cared so much about you getting abused," he said, before moving to look at me. "Three years ago, my old man got arrested for the same thing. He hit my mom and me often. One day, I finally found the courage to call the police on him, and since then, I have made a promise with my mom, and myself, to never let someone I care for go through that."

A frown laid on my face as I reached over Robin, and gently grabbed Vance's hand. I looked at his face, and saw tears in his eyes.

"I-I checked your wrist that one day, because of this..." he said, taking his hand away from mine, and bringing it up to his bracelet.

Once the bracelet was off, I could see many white lines littering Vance's wrist.

"Vance," I said quietly, tears filling my eyes.

He shook his head back to me. "I did it for three months, and then stopped as soon as my dad got arrested."

I sat up slowly, and wrapped my arms around him. Vance carefully placed his hand on my back, and silently cried into my shoulder. Robin placed his hand on Vance's shoulder, and I saw tears in his eyes too.

We stayed like that for a little while, before Vance pulled away from us. He wiped his eyes, before putting his bracelet back on.

"Does Bruce know about what happened to you?" I asked him.

"The cutting, yes. The abuse, no," Vance said back to me. "He started crying basically right away when he saw you laying on the floor. I can't imagine how he will react hearing about my past."

"If it's not something you feel like telling him, you don't have to," I said back to him. "I didn't want to tell any of you guys about what happened to Gwen and me, so I know how it feels.

Robin looked at me, before pressing a short kiss to my temple. I looked at him with a shocked look, before my face heated up. I looked over at Vance, and saw him smiling at us.

Words 1259

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