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(Gwen's pov)

I was extremely shocked when I woke up screaming. I quickly stood up from the chair I slept in, and walked towards the kitchen. Once I stood in the doorway of the kitchen, I saw my dad hitting Finney as Finney was leaning over the counter, with his shirt off, crying.

I yelled for him to stop, but he just pointed the belt towards me, and asked me if I knew about Finney being a slur. It shocked me to hear that, but I answered with the truth. I watched for a few more minutes as Finney got beat, before I went to his room.

I saw him get a paper from there yesterday, before he called Vance, so I figured that Vance's number still is on a piece of paper somewhere in Finney's room. After looking around for a few minutes, I finally found a piece of paper with a number on it. As I walked to the phone, I hoped that it was Vance's.

"Hello?" I heard Vance's voice say once he answered the call.

"Vance, can you come over?" I asked.

"What's wrong, Gwen?" He asked me.

"My dads home, and he's beating Finney. Bad," I said.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Go over to one of the neighbors, and call the police for me," he said.

"Okay," I said back to him.

I slowly put the phone back on the hook, before going to the front door. I quietly opened the door, and then ran over to the neighbors house. I knocked hard on the door, hoping for the person living in the house to answer.

"What do you need?" An older looking lady asked as she opened the door.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked her.

"Of course, honey. Come in, come in," she said, opening the door more, so I could come in.

She lead me over to the phone, and said that she was going to give me some privacy. I quickly dialed the emergency number as tears filled my eyes. I had no idea what state Finney is in right now, and it terrified me.

"Hello, 9-1-1. What is your emergency?" The person on the other end asked.

"My dad is beating my brother," I said.

"Okay, can you tell me what your address is?" The person asked me.

I told them my address, and the person said that there would be people sent to the house soon. I thanked the person on the other line, before hanging up the phone. A deep breath of relief left my mouth as I realized that Finney would be saved by either the police or Vance.

"Are you hungry, dear? I was just about to start making breakfast before you knocked," the old lady asked me.

I shook my head back to her with a small smile on my face. "No thank you. I'm not very hungry."

"Oh alright," she said.

I stared out one of the windows in the kind old ladies home that looked right at my house. I watched as Vance and Bruce both got out of Vance's car.  I watched as the two entered my house.

About ten minutes later, at most, Vance and Bruce exited my house. Bruce was holding Finney in his arms, and his shirt was covered in blood, most likely from Finney's back. I quickly thanked the kind old lady for letting me use her phone, before I ran out to Vance's car.

Bruce saw me right after he laid Finney down in the backseat. He held the door open for me as I slid into the car. I thanked Bruce for holding the door while moving Finney's head onto my lap.

Bruce rushed into the passenger seat, quickly buckling up. As soon as Vance pulled out of the driveway, we could hear sirens slowly getting close to the house.

"Call Robin," Vance said to Bruce. "He deserves to finally figure out too."

Bruce nodded his head back to Vance as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. I didn't listen to the two older boys in the front after that. I just stared down at Finney.

His eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow; his body was also cold to the touch. Both of his sides were badly bruised, and his back was basically covered in blood. I could barely hold back tears as I looked at him.

I never thought that I would see Finney in this bad of shape. It scared me how visibly hurt he is.

"Our dad called Finney the f-slur. Is he really gay?" I asked the two older boys.

Bruce looked back at me, and I could tell that his eyes went down to Finney. He nodded his head back to me as he still looked at Finney.

"Gwen, how long has this been going on?" He asked. His voice slightly breaking.

"Since our mom died," I told him.

Bruce nodded his head back to me. I could tell that he was holding back tears now. Bruce looked back towards the road, and I saw him wipe his eyes.

"Robin sounded really mad," Bruce said, but mostly to Vance.

"I don't blame him," Vance said. "I would've killed that bastard if Finney didn't need to be taken to the hospital."

"Why does he need to be taken to the hospital?" I asked him.

"We walked in to your dad kicking him in his sides. We need to make sure that none of his ribs are broken," Vance said.

"Plus the bleeding on his back is very bad," Bruce said.

"That too," Vance said.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was silent. When we got to the hospital, Finney got rushed to the back, and Vance, Bruce, and I all had to stay in the waiting room. Robin and his uncle showed up about ten minutes after us.

Robin came up to me, and wrapped his arms around me as he talked to Vance about what had happened. When we sat down, Robin kept his arm around me.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked Robin, barely over a whisper.

"I do think so. If not, I'm going to be the shit out of that hijo de puta father of yours," he said.

I laughed slightly. "I think Vance might've beat you to that."

Robin smiled slightly at me from my comment. He gently squeezed my shoulders once again, before falling quiet. We all are now just waiting to be told that we could go see Finney.

Words 1099

Hijo de puta: son of a bitch

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