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-physical/child abuse (not very detailed)
-mentions of death (not detailed)
-mentions of alcohol/drinking
(Finney's pov)

I woke up to the noise of walking around the house, and stuff falling over. I quickly got out of my bed, scared that Gwen was home, and our dad was drunk and angry. I slowly looked into the kitchen, and saw that my dad was adding some vodka into his orange juice.

From what I could see, there is no sign of Gwen in the house. I slowly went back to my room, and quietly shut my bedroom door. I went over to my closet, and grabbed a blue sweater, and a pair of black sweatpants and a pair of boxers from my dresser.

After grabbing all the clothes I needed, I quietly went to the bathroom to shower. Once in the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, and sat my clothes down on the counter. I turned the water on for the shower, before pulling my shirt off.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw that the bruises on my body slowly turning to a lighter color. The belt wounds on my back were still in the process of healing, but I knew that they would take a while to heal, especially if I get another beating like that from my dad.

I stripped out of the rest of the clothes I was wearing, and got into the shower. The hot water felt nice against my skin. Unlike the morning after my last beating, the water didn't sting my wounds anymore.

After washing my hair and body, I turned the water off, and got out of the shower. I dried off before putting all of my clothes that I had sat on the counter on. I brushed my teeth and hair right that.

I quietly opened the door to the bathroom, and quietly stepped down the hallway to the laundry room. After sitting my clothes in the washer, I started to go back to my room. Before I could even make it to my room, I heard my fathers voice.

"Finney, can you come here?" He asked, his voice slurring all over the place.

I took in a deep breath as I walked towards the living room. My dad sat in his armchair, drinking out of a half empty vodka bottle. I felt scared of what he could do, because of the alcohol that is in his hand.

Once in the living room, I sat down on the foot rest that stayed beside my fathers chair all the time. He took a long drink out of the bottle, before looking at me. He reached his hand out, and grabbed my face under my chin.

"You look so much like your mother," he said, staring at my face. "So much like her."

He kept rambling on about how I look just like my mother.

"She was a good lady, Finney. Such a good lady. Never hurt anyone, besides herself," he said.

I nodded my head back to him. "I know," I whispered quietly.

"You look so much like her. It fucking hurts to look at you," my father said.

It hurt me when he said that. I wanted to say something back to him, but nothing came out of my mouth. My fathers grip on my chin tightened as his face slowly changed to an angry look.

"You're going to leave me like her, aren't you?" He said.

I shook my head back to him. "No, no I won't. I promise," I said quickly.

"Yes you will. You and your dumb sister. You both are going to leave me," he said.

"Gwen and I aren't leaving you," I told him.

My fathers grip tightened even more to the point of me barely being able to open my mouth. He kept saying that Gwen and I are going to leave him just like our mother, but because of how hard he is holding onto my jaw, I couldn't tell him that we weren't leaving him any time soon, or like our mom.

"DON"T FUCKING LEAVE ME LIKE HER!" My father yelled out as he let go of my face, and slapped me.

I fell onto the floor from the impact. I held my jaw as soon as I hit the ground. It felt extremely nice to not have my dads hand holding my jaw like he was.

I stayed on the floor, mostly out of shock that my dad had slapped me. I didn't even realize that he stood up, and was standing behind me, until he kicked me in my back. I held my mouth shut to keep myself from screaming.

My dad kept kicking me for a few minutes, before he stopped. My body shook as I laid on the floor. I had no idea if the beating was truly over, until I heard the front door open, and then slam shut a few seconds later.

After what felt like a long time, I heard the front door open again. I forced myself to get up, and limp over to the hallway to see Gwen taking her shoes off. Gwen looked down the hallway towards me, and her face fell into a frown quickly when she saw me.

"When did he do this?" She asked me as she walked towards me.

"Probably a little over twenty minutes ago," I told her.

Gwen placed her hand on the side of my face, and gently rubbed her thumb over the bruise on my cheek.

"Did he do anything else?" She asked.

I nodded my head back to her. "He kicked me in my back multiple times."

"Go lay down," she said to me.

I shook my head back to her. "I think I'm going to call Vance to come over. He knows about what he does."

Gwen nodded her head back to me.

"Lay down after you call him, please," she said.

I nodded my head back to her. "I will."

Gwen nodded her head back to me, right before pressing a short kiss onto my cheek. Gwen went into the living room right after that, and turned on her favorite movie. I limped into my room, and grabbed the paper that has Vance's phone number on it.

I limped back out to the kitchen, and started to dial his number on the phone. After a few rings, Vance answers.

"Hello, who is this?" He asked.

"Vance, it's Finney," I said. "Can you come over?"

Words 1071

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