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(Robin's pov)

As soon as I couldn't see Finney anymore, I headed back inside. My mom and uncle sat together in the living room, quietly talking to each other.

"Robin, ven aquí," my mom said once she realized I had came back inside.

I walked into the living room, and sat down in the armchair. My mom looked over towards my uncle before she looked back towards me.

"Hijo, your uncle and I have a few questions," my mom said.

I nodded my head back to her as I waited for one of them to ask me a question. My leg started to bounce because I started to overthink what they could ask me.

"You and Finney seemed very close tonight. We were wondering if something is going on between you two," my uncle said.

Before I could say anything, my mom started to speak.

"We have no problem with it if anything is going on between you two," my mom said.

I took in a deep breath before speaking. "There is something, I guess," I said quietly.

"That's perfectly okay," my mom said. "We're sorry that this is the way you have to tell us, but we both started to think about it, and wanted to ask you ourselves before assuming."

I smiled and nodded my head back to her. My uncle placed his hand on my shoulder at the same time as a small smile sat on his lips.

"Te amo, sobrino," my uncle said to me.

"Te amo," I said back to him.

They both gave me a hug before letting me go to my room. Once I got into my room, I changed out of the school outfit. After I finished getting dressed, I pulled my hair into a low ponytail before sitting down on my bed, and grabbed my phone off of my desk.

I turned my phone on, and saw that I had a few text from Vance.

Finney just got home just so you know
When is Finney's birthday?

A little over two months. It's on January 22th

Thanks. My mom was talking to me about it, and I didn't know when it was

If you need help planning anything let me know. I can help him

I figured you would want to help. Aren't you two boyfriends now or something?

We aren't dating

Mhm okay

I rolled my eyes as I powered off my phone. After sitting my phone back down onto my bedside table, I covered myself with my blanket. While I laid down, I couldn't stop thinking about Finney.

I want to ask Finney out, but I didn't know if he is ready for a relationship. I don't want him to feel pressured to agree to be in a relationship with me. I also just didn't know how to ask someone out, so I didn't want to mess up asking Finney out.

I planned on asking either Vance or Bruce to help me come up with a way yo ask Finney out. Bruce was most likely going to be the one I ask to help me. Vance would tease me the whole time he helped me come up with something, and I didn't feel like being teased.

I reached out to grab my phone again, and opened my phone. I clicked on Bruce's contact, and slowly started to type a message.

Can you help me come up with a plan to ask Finney out?

Of course! When do you want to meet up?

Is tomorow fine?

Sure is! I'll be over to your place at noon tomorrow


I let out a sigh as I turned my phone off once again. I stared up at my ceiling, not able to get Finney out of my head. I really hope that whenever I ask him out, he accepts me and will be my boyfriend.

Words 675

ven aquí: come here
Hijo: son
Te amo, sobrino: I love you, nephew
Te amo: I love you

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