897 21 9

-mentions of abuse wounds
-racial hate (no slurs or anything like that)
(Finney's pov)

Today is the day that I am going over to Robin's after school. Today is also my first day back at school since being in the hospital. I am very nervous to go back to school, and face everyone there.

As I was getting dressed for school this morning, I looked over my shoulder and saw all the marks that covered my skin. I just stared at the marks for minutes on end, but looked up when I heard my door open. When I looked towards my door, I saw Vance standing there.

I quickly threw my sweater on, and tried to make it seem like I wasn't doing that.

"Are you okay?" Vance asked me.

I nodded my head back to him.

"You can talk to me, y'know," Vance told me.

"I know."

Vance stayed silent for a few minutes as he just stood in my doorway.

"Finn, talk to me," Vance said.

"I'm just nervous for today," I told him. "It's my first day back to school since being in the hospital, and I'm scared of seeing Matty and his friends."

"I'm not scared of beating the shit out of someone, Finn. Neither is Robin," Vance said.

"And you are one suspension away from being expelled," I told him.

"I don't care," Vance said.

"You've already been held back twice. You don't need to be held back again," I told him.

"You worry too much," Vance said.

"No I don't," I said back to him. "I'm just trying to make sure that you graduate."

"I will. There is nothing to worry about," Vance said back to me.

I rolled my eyes back to him as I walked over to my door. I walked past Vance, and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I went back to my room to grab my school bag.

As I walked back to my bedroom, I saw Vance and Gwen talking in the kitchen while they both ate breakfast. It makes me really happy that they are getting along so well. After I grabbed my backpack, I walked out of my room, once again, to put my shoes on.

"Are you ready to go?" I heard Vance say loudly, so both Gwen and I could hear him.

We both answered with a yes, and a minute later they both came into the entrance of the house. We all headed out of the house to Vance's car. I got into the passenger seat, while Gwen got in the backseat of the car.

Vance blared music as soon as he got the car out of the driveway. I held onto the door handle as he drove as I stared out the window. When we got to school, Vance and I said goodbye to Gwen before going into the school.

Vance walked with me up until I found Robin in the hallway. When I found Robin, he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to my locker.

"I told the teachers that you have been sick," he told me. "I figured that you didn't want people to exactly know about what had happened."

I nodded my head back to him. "Thank you."

"Of course, amor," he said back to me.

When we got to my locker, Vance headed to his, but Robin stayed beside me. Once I got done in my locker, we went to Robin's locker, and I stood beside him as he got into his.

"Have you seen Matty?" I asked him.

Robin nodded his head back to me. "He has been staying away from me, which is good."

"I'm glad to hear that you haven't gotten into any fights," I told him.

"Not physically one's," he said.

"That's better then physical fights," I told him.

Robin shut his locker at the same time he shrugged his head. He grabbed my hand before walking through the hallway. I felt my face heat up slightly as I looked at our hands.

"A-aren't you scared of people seeing our hands?" I asked him.

"No," Robin said. "I couldn't give a fuck how they care about us holding hands. If they care, they're just gilipollas homófobos."

"I have no idea what that means," I told him.

"Homophobic assholes," Robin said.

I nodded my head back to him. We walked to my first class, and when we got there, I gently squeezed his hand before heading into class. I got into my seat, and Donna sat down beside me not long after.

"Hey, Finney," she said. "Why haven't you been here?"

"I was sick," I told her.

"Gwen wasn't here either. Did she get sick too?" She asked me.

I nodded my head back to her. I felt slightly bad for lying to Donna about what had actually happened, but at the same time, I didn't want anyone to know about what had happened for two years in my old home.


After school, I waited outside of the school for Robin. He had told me to wait for him, because he needed to talk to a teacher about retaking a test he did bad on. It made me happy that he was trying to get help with school, but I was also scared that Matty and his friends would be outside of the school waiting on me.

"Where's you dumb Mexican boyfriend?" A familiar voice asked me.

"Robin isn't my boyfriend, Matty," I told him.

"What I saw in the field says otherwise," he said back to me.

"He was drunk," I lied.

"Sure," Matty said. "You can say that, but everyone knows that you are a faggot."

"Just leave me alone, Matty. I have never done anything to you," I said back to him, slightly loud.

"Whatever, fag," Matty said, walking always from me.

I let out a sigh as I leaned back against the wall. I ran my hand through my hair, and gently pulled o. The end of my hair. Not long after that, Robin walked up to me.

"What's wrong, amor?" He asked me.

"Matty," I said.

"C'mon. Let's go home," Robin said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

A small smile came onto my face as I leaned into his touch, and we started to head to Robin's home.

Words 1047


gilipollas homófobos: homophobic assholes

Amor: love

If any translations are wrong, it's because I use google translate. I do not know any Spanish myself

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