Prompt 11 : "911, What's Your Emergency?"

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Subprompt : Self-Done First Aid
Fandom : The Play That Goes Wrong (play)
Pairing : Chris & Dennis
Chronology : Post-canon
Headcanons : Female!Chris (cause Chris is a girl in the production I'm in, which is what I'm pulling these characterizations from), Autistic!Dennis

The handcuffs had been rubbing harshly against and cutting into Dennis' wrist the whole final bit of the show. This hadn't been an issue during rehearsal, since he'd gotten them off pretty quickly and wasn't moving around in them but, because he'd had to drag around the chaise lounge by just his wrist, the handcuffs really did a number on him.

He waited until he thought everyone had gone home, went to the bathroom, took some toilet paper and hand soap, and started rubbing it into his wrist. The bleeding had stopped fairly quickly (it wasn't a whole lot of blood), but there was still a clear cut around his wrist, and he thought that cleaning it would be a decent idea.

To his dismay, that didn't help, and bits of the toilet paper lingered in the cut, which just irritated it and made him hurt more. He groaned in pain- He never had the highest pain tolerance- And frantically tried to wash it out with water, which also didn't help very much.

He was so distracted by his predicament that he didn't even notice that Chris had come into the doorway until she cleared her throat to get his attention. "Oh, hi Chris" he said, nervously hiding his wet and irritated wrist behind his back.

"You wanna tell me what you're still doing here?" she asked him, not at all mean but not super gentle either. Everyone else had gone home, so she was under the assumption she could lock up for the night, only to walk by the guys' bathroom to hear the water running.

"Oh, um..." Dennis swallowed and slowly revealed his wrist. Chris hissed in surprise before slowly walking forward to examine his wrist.

"Let me guess- You panicked and tried to use what was just in the bathroom to deal with this"


"Come with me" she told him. "I have some first aid stuff in my office"

They went to her small office, where she pulled out a box of alcohol pads, sat him down, and carefully cleaned up the wound. He winced in pain as it stung, but grew used to it after a little while. "You know" she started as she slowly cleaned the toilet paper bits out of one part of the cut. "You could've just told someone you were hurt instead of trying to deal with it yourself"

"I didn't want to be a bother"

"Dennis" she sighed. "You aren't a bother. I'd rather you come to me so you can get proper assistance than you hurt yourself more because you don't know what you're doing"


"Sorry" Chris apologized before tossing the alcohol pad in the small bin by her desk. "But, we're done with that part" she told him before reaching into her cabinet and pulling out a roll of bandage. She wrapped some around his wrist before cutting it off the roll, then grabbed a piece of tape. "Tell me if it's too tight" she told him. She knew he got bothered by small things like that and wanted to be considerate so he didn't get overwhelmed by how tight it was and remove it. Slowly, she started tightening it and taped it off when he told her to. "There you are"

"Thanks, Chris"

"Don't mention it"

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