Prompt 30.5 : Tears

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Fandom : With Great Abandon (web comic)
Pairing : Harry/Russell
Chronology : Post-canon

Russell had always been the cryer in their relationship, partially just because he was the more emotional out of the pair and partially because Harry found it physically more difficult to cry since taking hormones.

So, when Harry did cry, it always stood out that something must have been seriously wrong in the universe.

The blonde came home one day from work- It had been a particularly long week and he'd gotten in a fight with his mom over the phone on the way home, and he burst into tears as soon as he put his coat down. Russell immediately rushed to his side, helping him lower to the ground safely.

"What happened?" the brunet asked, just getting a shake of the head in response. "Okay. We don't have to talk about it right now. I'm right here, Harry" he reassured softly, rubbing his boyfriend's back as he sobbed. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere"


"I know, Har" Russell muttered softly, kissing the other man on the head. "I know. It's okay"

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