Prompt 21 : Famous Last Words

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Subprompt : "You're safe now"
Fandom : Stranger Things (Netflix)
Pairing : Lucas/Max
Chronology : The scene in S4V2 where Max does the cookie crumble but Max isn't revived
Warning : Major character death

"You're safe now" Lucas muttered to the dying girl in his arms. It did little to comfort either of them, but he thought that maybe- Just maybe- If he said it, it would be true. That she would be fine and make a speedy recovery. That Vecna hadn't won. "You're safe"

"Lucas" she said shakily. Eleven watched from her salt bath, sobbing to herself over the imminent loss of her friend and her failure to save her. Lucas cried to himself, begging Erica to find them help, but that was a moot point. Help wasn't for a few miles driven, and people were mostly preoccupied anyway. Max clung to Lucas with all she had to try and soothe the crushing fear in her heart...

And then she stopped moving.

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