Prompt 29 : What Doesn't Kill Me...

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Subprompt : "Better me than you"
Fandom : Castle Swimmer (web comic)
Pairing : Kappa/Siren
Chronology : Between seasons 2 and 3

While the two rested from their heart transplant, Kappa spent many nights tracing his fingers over the scar on Siren's back. No matter how many times Siren reassured him it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Why wouldn't he? He was the beacon, the one that everyone treated like the cure to their problems, and if he couldn't do that then it was because he failed.

He wasn't even the one who was supposed to die in the prophecy, but that was the plan. And yet, here Siren was with the giant slash across his back.

"I'm so sorry, Siren"

"Kappa" the shark started softly, carefully turning over to look at his boyfriend. He reached out and stroked the back of his index finger against the koi's cheek. "It's not your fault" he reassured. "Sharks scar. That's kind of our whole thing" he continued. "And this is a scar I consciously took the risk of getting. Better me than you"


"Your scales are pretty" Siren cut him off with a smile. "The scar looks better on me than it would on you"

"Still... I wish you didn't have to deal with it"

"It's not the end of the world" Siren shrugged. "Besides, I'd go through it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping you safe"

"How romantic..."

"I am a bit of a flirt, yes"

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