Prompt 25 : Silence Is Golden

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Subprompt : Duct Tape
Fandom : Hellbound (web series)
Pairing : Rafael & Ida
Chronology : Pre-canon
Warnings : Forced bondage (not sexual)

Ida was doing a routine walk around the palace when she heard muffled shouting coming from a small closet in the hallway. It was rare to find a room with doors unless it was one of Lucifer's private rooms, and she'd never seen this one before. Everything about it freaked her out and the screams didn't help, but she took a chance and opened it to find Rafael, tied up with duct tape over his mouth.

"Rafael?" she asked in surprise, quickly kneeling to his side and removing the binds around his body. He screamed out, voice coming out in muffled shreds as tears of pain and stress dripped down his cheeks. "It's gonna be okay" Ida assured him in a soft voice as she reached up to remove the tape, only to pause suddenly as she saw it.

The tape was lined with barbed wire that was cutting into him.

"Oh" she muttered, a sense of dread building in the pit of her stomach. Demons only die from direct violence, so she knew that there was no risk of him dying upon removal, but it was sure to hurt. "This is gonna hurt" she told him honestly as she gingerly worked a fingernail under the corner of the tape. "But, I'm gonna do it quickly and I'll be here for you through the whole process"

With that, she ripped off the tape like a bandaid.

Rafael screamed out in pain as the tape and wires were pulled from his face and then broke down into tears, panting heavily at the sudden burst of air flooding his lungs. "You're okay" Ida told him in a warm voice as he clung to her like a koala, crying hysterically. She held him close and rubbed his back gently. "You're safe. It's okay"

"F-Fucking..." Rafael breathed out. "Shawn..."

"Shawn did this?" Ida asked in confusion, getting only more crying in response. "Shhhhh" she shushed him gently, hugging him tighter. "It's okay"


"I know" she sighed. "I know"

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