Prompt 18 : Let's Break The Ice

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Subprompt : "Just get it over with"
Fandom : Scream (MTV)
Chronology : Post-season 2 (ignoring everything from the Halloween special except for Kieran's death)
Warnings : Major character death, guns, bondage (not the sexy kind)

Audrey woke up dazed, confused, and with no recollection of what happened before she seemingly passed out. She tried to get up but couldn't. With sudden panic, she looked down to find that her arms and legs were strapped down to a chair, darkness surrounding her. The only light in the room was a dim lightbulb hanging directly above her. "What the fuck?" she muttered as she tried to work out of the binds to no avail. "Who...?"

Footsteps came from far ahead and gradually grew closer until an all too familiar figure stood in the light before her. She felt sick to her stomach as she saw it- Someone wearing a Brandon James mask and a black hood over their head.

"Okay, who the fuck are you?" she demanded, more pissed off than anything. Piper and Kieran were both dead and buried. Was this Kieran's killer? Was this some dumbass kid pulling a sick prank on her? "I said who are you, asshole?"

The person tilted their head, shrugged, and then pulled a gun out of their back pocket. Audrey swallowed as she saw it, then quickly went back to her mocking tone of speech. This fucker couldn't know how terrified she really was. No. She couldn't give them the satisfaction.

"Oh, wow" she said sarcastically. "A gun. How creative"

In anger, the person quickly lunged forward, forcing the gun to her temple threateningly. She leaned back slightly, but the gun remained pressed to her forehead. "Damn, you are persistent" she commented. "Just get it over with, yeah? You're taking too-"


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