Prompt 12 : What Could Go Wrong?

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Subprompt : Cave In
Fandom : Tornado Stories (Minecraft roleplay web series)
Pairing : Cookie/Mitch
Chronology : Vaguely during the early portion of the series
Warning : Major character death

Cookie and Mitch were holed up in their basement as another tornado ravaged the area. "Cookie, did you pay the insurance this time?" Mitch asked, silently hoping that he finally had so they wouldn't have to move again after their house was inevitably destroyed. Cookie swallowed nervously and Mitch had his answer right then and there.

He was about to open his mouth again to scold the taller boy when suddenly the whole house began shaking. "Oh, crap" Cookie muttered nervously. "It's hitting us"

"We'll be fine" Mitch reassured, but he didn't entirely believe that himself. Their basement was not that deep and their house was made of cheap materials- They didn't have that much money the last time they were forced to move because of a natural disaster. "I'm sure it-"

The basement started caving in on the far end, and the pair quickly tried to go back up the stairs, but then that caved in as well, trapping them in a room that was falling apart. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" Cookie began muttering, his anxieties soaring as he realized they would likely get crushed. "We're gonna die!"

"Maybe it'll lift up the wood and carry us with it" Mitch hoped. "Then we can just land in water, and it'll all be-"

The rest of the basement ceiling caved in.

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