Prompt 23 : At The End Of Their Rope

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Subprompt : "Hold them down"
Fandom : Infinity Train (Cartoon Network)
Pairing : Jesse/Lake
Chronology : Post-season 2
Headcanon : Nonbinary!Lake, Lake is a Star Trek fan
Warnings : Implied murder/major character death in a dream sequence

Lake was on the train again. They didn't even have the time to process this, though, because they were in the middle of being chased by the Flecs. "Hold them down!" they heard Mace shout at his partner. Odd they thought half-heartedly. He usually calls me 'she' or 'it'... or 'sliver'

Before they could react, they were suddenly tackled to the ground by Sieve, who had a sick grin on his face as he shouted for Mace to come over. They tried to wriggle out of his hold, but they couldn't do much. "Quickly!" Sieve shouted, and they heard the sander get louder and louder and closer and closer, and-

They shot awake in bed, breathing heavily. Soft, non-metallic arms quickly wrapped around them and a familiar, comforting voice began whispering reassurances like It's okay and You're safe now

"I... Jesse?"

"Yup" the Apache confirmed with a warm smile, pressing a soft kiss to the side of their head. "It's me, Lake" he continued. "You were having a nightmare" he told them. This seemed to make something click in their head as they began crying quietly.

"Fuck" they muttered wetly, wiping the tears away from their face, slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay to cry, Lake" Jesse told them, holding them a little tighter. "You've been through a lot. But, you're safe now. We both are"

"I know" Lake replied with a small smile, leaning against their boyfriend with a heavy sigh. "Sorry about this"

"No apologies" Jesse told them. "Here, why don't we grab a snack or something downstairs and then watch a movie or something?" A nod. "You can pick"

"Star Trek" Lake responded immediately, getting a chuckle from the boy.

"Okay" he nodded. "We can watch Star Trek again... For the eighth time this week"

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