Prompt 13 : Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking A Few Legs

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Subprompt : "Are you here to break me out?"
Fandom : Chipspeech
Pairing : Rotten/Bert

It was late. Visiting hours had long since passed. When Rotten saw a shadow move to stand outside the bars of his cell, he assumed it was just a guard making sure he wasn't doing anything bad, but then the figure hissed for him to come over. So, he turned over in his cot and then immediately stood up when he saw who it was.

"Bert?" he asked, surprised. "What're ya doin' here? Are ya here ta break me out?" A nod. "Okay, and how d'ya expect ta do that, eh?"

"Quiet down, asshole" Bert grumbled in response before revealing a key he'd obtained, unlocking the door, and opening it to let the criminal out. "Guards are easily distractable. You should know this"

"You're the best" Rotten praised as he left his cell, giving his boyfriend a kiss before running off with him to the exit.

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