Prompt 24 : Fight, Flight Or Freeze

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Subprompt : Blood Covered Hands
Fandom : Bardown (webcomic)
Pairing : Nils & Maxxie

The closer to Nils he got, the more Maxxie feared what would happen if the other goalie found out all that he'd done. All the lives he'd taken. All the people he'd hurt.

"Maxxie?" the shorter man asked from the doorway of the bathroom. Maxxie realized he'd been standing in front of the mirror for an abnormally long time and hadn't even bothered to lock the door. He turned to the rookie, startled. Nils flinched back at the intense expression on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked cautiously. "You've been standing there for a while..."

"I'm fine" Maxxie dismissed, walking past him and into their bedroom. "Just got... Distracted"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No" Maxxie replied, firm and a bit cold. Nils shut up after that. Maxxie almost felt guilty, but he knew this was for the best. He could live with seeing the blood splatter every time he closed his eyes. He could live with the anxiety of losing Nils.

He couldn't live with himself if Nils knew

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