Prompt 24.5 : Carried To Safety

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Fandom : Midsummer/Jersey
Pairing : Robert & Janet
Chronology : Post-canon

Robert and Janet were chancing a walk through the forest- Yes, the same one where a fairy had turned Nikki into a donkey. Needless to say, Janet was worried as all hell and Robert was just trying to get them both back to the salon as quickly as possible.

As they were taking the barely familiar path, Janet stumbled over a tree root that had been poking out of the ground and let out a pained yelp, which caught her friend's attention. "Oh, shit" Robert muttered, running over to the pink-haired girl who was clutching her ankle in pain. "Are you okay, Jan?"

"I think I twisted my-" she was cut off by a rustling in the trees nearby, causing her to panic a bit. "Robert!"

"Don't worry" he told her quietly, helping her off the ground in such a way that most of her weight was on him. "We're getting out of here" he told her firmly. "I promise"

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